[Board] Fwd: [TC-Announce] Invitation to Participate in Global Consultations for UN-IGIF Implementation

Tom Kralidis tomkralidis at gmail.com
Wed May 15 11:28:54 PDT 2024

FYI per below.


---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Ahola, Ryan (he, him | il, lui) via TC-Announce <
tc-announce at lists.ogc.org>
Date: Wed, May 15, 2024 at 12:54 PM
Subject: [TC-Announce] Invitation to Participate in Global Consultations
for UN-IGIF Implementation
To: tc-announce at lists.ogc.org <tc-announce at lists.ogc.org>


Hi OGC Members,

Natural Resources Canada has recently learned about an upcoming opportunity
with the United Nations Committee of Experts on Global Geospatial
Information Management’s (UN-GGIM) *Private Sector Network* (PSN
<http://unggim-psn.org/>). UN-GGIM: PSN is conducting global consultations
with relevant public, private, and academic stakeholders in order to
understand how the geospatial private sector can support the implementation
of the UN-GGIM Integrated Geospatial Information Framework (IGIF
<https://ggim.un.org/UN-IGIF/>) in their unique contexts and countries. The
consultation will be held in the Americas region on 21 May 2024 10 am
Eastern Time.

The discussion questions for this consultation are in the attached and
focus on the *role of the private sector in implementing the UN-IGIF*.
Please feel free to share with other key contacts if/as appropriate, given
the focus of discussions.

If you are interested to participate, please register
<https://forms.gle/5LpUZmq9u4rfriNS7>. More information is available below.


Ryan Ahola


Geospatial Expert, Canada Centre for Mapping and Earth Observation

Natural Resources Canada / Government of Canada

ryan.ahola at nrcan-rncan.gc.ca / Cel: 1-343-574-6153

Expert en géospatial, Centre canadien de cartographie et d’observation de
la terre

Ressources naturelles Canada / Gouvernement du Canada

ryan.ahola at nrcan-rncan.gc.ca / Tél. cell : 1-343-574-6153

*From:* Pamela Castillo Retamales <pcastillo at mbienes.cl>
*Sent:* Tuesday, May 14, 2024 3:31 PM
*Cc:* valrie [GEOTECHVISION] <valrie at geotechvision.com>; Valrie Grant <
valrie at valriegrant.com>
*Subject:* Invitación a participar en las consultas mundiales para la
aplicación de UN-IGIF/Invitation to Participate in Global Consultations for
UN-IGIF Implementation

****Caution* - email originated from outside of NRCan. *Read the warning
below / Attention*- Ce courriel provient de l'extérieur des RNCan. *Voir la
mise en garde ci-dessous****

Estimados colegas:

Como parte de las iniciativas en curso de la Red del Sector Privado (PSN)
de UN-GGIM, nos complace anunciar la elaboración de un documento exhaustivo
centrado en el papel fundamental del sector privado en el apoyo a la
aplicación del Marco Integrado de Información Geoespacial de las Naciones
Unidas (UN-IGIF). Este documento pretende recoger diversas perspectivas
regionales y mejores prácticas que puedan contribuir significativamente a
nuestros esfuerzos colectivos.

Para facilitar un diálogo exhaustivo y recopilar puntos de vista, la PSN
está organizando una serie de sesiones de consulta global durante la semana
del 20 de mayo de 2024. En concreto, *la consulta para las Américas está
programada para el 21 de mayo a las 10 AM EST*. Creemos que su
participación y sus puntos de vista serán muy valiosos para enriquecer este

Adjuntamos la nota conceptual que describe el alcance y los objetivos de
las sesiones de consulta mundial. Pueden inscribirse en la sesión a través
del siguiente enlace, que también figura en el documento (

Les rogamos que difundan esta información entre sus colegas y partes
interesadas, y les animen a inscribirse y participar activamente.

Para cualquier detalle o consulta adicional, no dude en ponerse en contacto
con valrie at geotechvision.com

Saludos cordiales,


Dear Colleagues:

As part of the ongoing initiatives of the UN-GGIM Private Sector Network
(PSN), we are pleased to announce the development of a comprehensive paper
focused on the key role of the private sector in supporting the
implementation of the United Nations Integrated Geospatial Information
Framework (UN-IGIF). This paper aims to capture diverse regional
perspectives and best practices that can contribute significantly to our
collective efforts.

To facilitate a comprehensive dialogue and gather views, the PSN is
organizing a series of global consultation sessions during the week of May
20, 2024. Specifically, *the consultation for the Americas is scheduled for
May 21 at 10 AM EST*. We believe that your participation and views will be
very valuable in enriching this discourse.

Attached is the concept note describing the scope and objectives of the
global consultation sessions. You can register for the session through the
following link, which is also included in the document (

Please disseminate this information to your colleagues and stakeholders and
encourage them to register and actively participate.

For any further details or queries, please do not hesitate to contact
valrie at geotechvision.com

Kind regards,

*Pamela Castillo Retamales*

Secretaria Ejecutiva UN-GGIM: Américas

Santiago de Chile

Teléfono +56 9 98114312

pcastillo at mbienes.cl

UN-GGIM: Américas <http://www.un-ggim-americas.org/>

This email originated from outside of NRCan. *Do not click links or open
attachments unless you recognize the sender and believe the content is
safe.* For information on how to recognize and report phishing emails,
please visit the Phishing Spot
on the NRCan Intranet.
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liens et n'ouvrez pas les pièces jointes, à moins de connaître l'expéditeur
et croire que le contenu est sécuritaire.* Pour plus d’informations sur la
façon de reconnaître et de signaler les courriels d’hameçonnage, veuillez
visiter le site hameçonnage
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