[Board] OSGeo finances

Angelos Tzotsos gcpp.kalxas at gmail.com
Sun Mar 16 08:42:01 PDT 2025

Adding OSGeo Board in CC

On 3/16/25 17:40, Angelos Tzotsos wrote:
> Dear Henrique,
> Thank you for your email.
> I will add your proposal to the agenda for the next board meeting.
> Best,
> Angelos
> On 3/12/25 10:27, Munich Orientation Convention wrote:
>> Dear Angelos,
>> I'd have a simple solution for the mentioned financial problem.
>> The only condition is: OSM reconsiders the merit principle, and this in
>> favor of the consumer.
>> The good intention of the OSM rules is to avoid any dependence of big 
>> techs.
>> But at the same time OSM is combating inventors like me and impeding any
>> discussions and progress.
>> I've developed a STANDARD proposal for all orientation tools, see the 
>> video
>> https://volksnav.de/aSimpleCircle .
>> One problem: if this standard would be "open", immediately hundreds of
>> "better" standards would arise, destroying the goal.
>> Concerning cartography, the fundamental innovations - respectively 
>> quantum
>> jumps - would be:
>>     - A non-academic, metrical and zoomable reference grid .
>>     Actual preference of OSM, OGC, Google etc.: ignore/combat
>> https://volksnav.de/YouAreHere
>>      - IMAGINABLE location codes including house numbers and room
>> numbers
>>     Actual OSM preference:     ignore/combat
>>     Others preference:         enigmatic ones
>> https://volksnav.de/alternatives
>> I'm for example proposing the invention to Overture maps but I'm for 
>> example
>> seeing that Meta etc. would be interested to impede that Google etc. 
>> can use
>> it.
>> I'd prefer a cooperation with OSM but OSM combats the merit 
>> principle: those
>> who have a salary and aren't inventors demonize those who insist on a 
>> return
>> of intellectual investment.
>> The way out I see would be a good old but forgotten tool: symbolical 
>> fees.
>> The fee would depend on the value of the benefit. For example, Cameroon
>> wants a digital addressing system https://volksnav.de/Cameroon . In this
>> case the fee of course would be a higher one than for just a 
>> humanitarian
>> map.
>> Do you think in the meantime the board would be open minded enough for
>> non-conventional proposals?
>> Henrique
>> -----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
>> Von: Discuss [mailto:discuss-bounces at lists.osgeo.org] Im Auftrag von 
>> Angelos
>> Tzotsos via Discuss
>> Gesendet: Montag, 10. März 2025 14:34
>> An: OSGeo Discussions
>> Cc: OSGeo Board; projects at lists.osgeo.org
>> Betreff: [OSGeo-Discuss] OSGeo finances
>> Dear OSGeo community,
>> In February 2026, OSGeo will celebrate its 20 year anniversary. In these
>> two decades it has seen incredible growth, from the number of incubated
>> projects, to the proliferation of Local Chapters, to the number FOSS4G
>> conferences around the world, as well as the constant increase in the
>> number of participants to these conferences. Without a doubt, the
>> community has significantly expanded and, in many aspects, it has become
>> successful. However, the current situations brings compelling challenges
>> that the Foundation must address, one of which is clearly the financial
>> aspect.
>> The 2025 budget has been discussed and was recently approved
>> (https://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/OSGeo_Budget_2025 /
>> https://www.loomio.com/d/W2qoQdbB/osgeo-budget-2025/1) and it brought
>> important cuts almost everywhere. To SAC, to OSGeo projects, to the
>> marketing committee and others. Furthermore, it is not the first year
>> that the requested amounts could only be partially approved, delayed or
>> even denied and every time, the decisions were not easily taken. Thus,
>> it is safe and sad to say that today, the OSGeo Foundation is
>> under-funded and without fundamental changes, the risk of collapse due
>> to its own success is real.
>> It has become more obvious after the COVID pandemic: the combination of
>> almost complete dependency on the financial success of the yearly global
>> conference, coupled with the lack of structure and agreements between
>> the OSGeo Foundation, Local Chapters and local and regional FOSS4G
>> conferences is having dangerous consequences on the budget. Even more,
>> given that the Foundation relies solely on volunteers (except for a very
>> limited amount of consulting fees for SAC) and that it has no
>> professional staff, is a significant hindrance when it comes to
>> attracting and retaining sponsors.
>> We want to assure the community that addressing this situation is a top
>> priority for the OSGeo board and we have started to work on drafting
>> potential changes on the current structure, financial setup and status
>> that would curve the current trajectory and would allow the Foundation
>> to serve its community on the long run. In the near future, the board is
>> planning a dedicated meeting for which your participation, as well as
>> your suggestions are more than welcomed.
>> On behalf of the OSGeo Board,
>> Angelos

Angelos Tzotsos, PhD
President, Board of Directors
Open Source Geospatial Foundation

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