[Bootcamp08] Is anyone interested in becoming a celebrity?

Andrew Ross grof at rogers.com
Tue May 6 16:52:55 EDT 2008

Hi Everyone,
I've been in contact with various media about osbootcamp6/geocamp2008. This
includes some of the traditional media and some of the geospatial media like
directions magazine and very spatial.
Would anyone like to write about the event? This would include writing about
their expectations before, their findings during, and summary response after
the event. 
I'm hoping that a few people might be willing to do this to give a balanced
perspective. I'd really like to see at least one newcomers not familiar with
geospatial, one experienced geospatial vet, and one student.
If you're interested, please contact me either on this list or in private.
Thank you kindly,
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