[Bootcamp08] Please connect with me at Sixent

Darcy Whyte notifications at sixent.com
Thu Oct 14 11:38:54 EDT 2010

I'm using Sixent and would like to add you as a contact.  It's a cool, safe system.

Darcy Whyte
darcy at siteware.com

Connect with me now at Sixent:

Sixent is a social networking site for building more relevant and appropriate relationships with your diverse network of contacts.

Use Sixent to create personal and professional profiles then connect family, friends, and others to the profiles you want them to see. As you add content to Sixent (blog entries, photos, bookmarks, etc), you decide who to make it visible to. Because your contacts can only access the content you want them to see, you can confidently share more with the people you want to.

Learn more about Sixent at http://sixent.com

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