[OSGeo-Boston] February Meeting
Christopher Schmidt
crschmidt at crschmidt.net
Wed Jan 30 10:40:56 EST 2008
On Wed, Jan 30, 2008 at 10:37:31AM -0500, Joshua Lieberman wrote:
> Hi,
> I'd like to propose a February 13 OSGeo chapter meeting, since it has
> been a couple of months, and offer the Traverse offices on Tremont St
> now that we are mostly furnished and have a projector.
I probably won't be able to make it, sadly. (Got to be in DC that day.)
-- Chris
> Agenda:
> Revisit tiling specs and services, possibly providing feedback to
> OGC on their draft tile service spec
> Update on OLPC geo
> GeoRSS at Where2.0 proposal
> Anything else
> Location:
> 145 Tremont St, 3rd Fl. (next to MacDonalds, across from Park St. T
> Station) @ 7pm
> Call Josh @ 617-395-7766 with any access questions and please RSVP
> if you can.
> Cheers,
> Josh
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Christopher Schmidt
Web Developer
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