[OSGeo-Boston] RE: Pottential OpenGeo Training Class in Boston
christopher.schmidt at nokia.com
christopher.schmidt at nokia.com
Mon Aug 23 11:40:46 EDT 2010
On Aug 23, 2010, at 11:27 AM, ext Nigel Pickering wrote:
> Hi Folks
> A clarification on the course content from OpenGeo:
> “The two day on-site (at your facility) training would be for the schedule of your choice. It is possible that we could get through the entire OpenLayers material in a day, but it would be cutting it close. Tim Schaub (our OpenLayers lead) is out on vacation so I do not have his syllabus yet.”
Note that the beginning (OpenLayers Intro) stuff is probably based on
in some way; this is the workshop that OpenLayers has been used at
conferences and presented by Tim/OpenGeo in the past.
Some of the other materials are probably available from:
If people are interested, and can provide a facility, I can probably do
a presentation based entirely on OpenLayers that would be up to one day;
the OpenLayers intro content is something I've helped present in the past,
and in that time, it took ~3 hours.
(Obviously, I'm not OpenGeo, so this would have to be an 'as-is' training
on a weekend day or something like that, but I'm happy to put something
like that together if people are interested; our last meeting turned
half in to that either, and if I could do it with a set of computers in
front of people, that would probably be way better for everyone :))
-- Chris
> So if the training group wanted to focus on OpenLayers for the 2 days, or maybe even one long day, then that would be possible. With OpenLayers being the least documented part of the OS family of products, that would be my choice. Or alternatively, all the course material could be covered generally with more emphasis on one product, say OpenLayers.
> Let me know your interest.
> <image002.gif>
> --
> Nigel Pickering
> Charles River Watershed Association
> From: Nigel Pickering [mailto:npickering at crwa.org]
> Sent: Monday, August 23, 2010 9:17 AM
> To: 'boston at lists.osgeo.org'
> Subject: Pottential OpenGeo Training Class in Boston
> Hi Folks
> You are receiving this email because you have an interest in open source web mapping. I am trying to get a sense of the interest for a 2-day training class from OpenGeo that would include the following:
> Day 1
> Introduction to the OpenGeo Suite
> Introduction to the PostGIS
> Introduction to the GeoServer
> Introduction to the OpenLayers
> Day 2
> Advanced Administration
> Advanced Web Cartography
> Advanced PostGIS
> Advanced GeoServer
> Advanced OpenLayers
> Developing GeoServer
> Developing OpenLayers
> The class content could also be customized to the group’s interests. The full class description is at http://opengeo.org/products/training.
> The total cost for the 2-day training class in Boston is about $5,500. If split among 10 people, that would be $550/person. For 8 people (OpenGeo’s preference), it would be $687/person. If there is sufficient interest, I will be looking for a venue.
> If you are interested and have funding, please let me know. Thanks!
> <image003.gif>
> --
> Nigel Pickering
> Charles River Watershed Association
> <ATT00001..txt>
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