[OSGeo-Brasil] Osgeo na latinoware

Felipe Costa fsc7mail em gmail.com
Sexta Outubro 23 20:55:23 EDT 2009

Olá a todos,

Estou na Latinoware juntamente com várias pessoas desta lista como por
exemplo, Edmar Moretti, Rafael Soto, Luiz Motta e Helton Uchoa. Está sendo
muito bom conhecer muitos deles pessoalmente, hoje (22/10) tivemos uma
pequena conversa onde pudemos trocar algumas idéias sobre o capítulo da
Osgeo Brasil. Infelizmente não pude acompanhá-la até o final pois como não
estava prevista eu já tinha pago um mini-curso e tive que sair no meio da
reunião. Porém até onde assisti algumas coisas tinham sido levantadas:
O Evento Geolivre que acontecerá agora final de Novembro e que trará alguns
palestrantes de fora, entre eles o Tyler Mitchel da OSGEO.
E sobre o capítulo da Osgeo-BR falou-se sobre a necessidade de oficialização
do capítulo que até hoje encontra-se em formação no site da OSGEO.
O estabelecimento de papéis na comunidade e a eleição de seus possíveis
A definição de metas para a OSGEO-BR.
A atualização do conteúdo do Wiki.
Peço aos demais participantes que ficaram na reunião até o final que
informem se mais alguma coisa foi discutida e/ou decidida e que iniciemos a
discussão por aqui.
Copio abaixo as responsabilidades de um capítulo OSGEO, os benefícios e a
maneira de ser reconhecidos oficialmente como um capítulo. Mais informações
em (http://www.osgeo.org/content/chapters/guidelines.html).
Soube que a comunidade brasileira está bem representada no Foss4G deste ano,
mandem lembranças minhas ao Frank Warmerdam e Jeff Mckena por mim.


Chapter Responsibilities

OSGeo does not differentiate between a geographic or linguistic grouping and
strongly encourages self-organization similar to "User Groups" or "Special
Interest Groups" in other Open Source Projects. "User Groups" or "Special
Interest Groups" do not formally represent OSGeo but can avail some of the
services such as the use of OSGeo Wiki. "OSGeo Chapter" offer a more formal
framework for self-organization based on a few simple guidelines listed

   - "OSGeo Chapter" officially represents OSGeo and is formally recognized
   as OSGeo Project.
   - "OSGeo Chapter" must support the OSGeo Mission and Objectives of OSGeo.

   - "OSGeo Chapter" must hold regular meetings (at least annual) and
   provide annual report of activities to chapter membership and OSGeo Board.
   - "OSGeo Chapter" will not entail any financial commitment from or
   on-behalf of OSGeo. OSGeo will also not provide any budget assistance to the
   "OSGeo Chapter".
   - "OSGeo Chapter" is encouraged develop and maintain "Directory Listing"
   of companies, people, universities and organizations involved with or using
   OSGeo projects.
   - "OSGeo Chapter" must strive at networking with organizations to enlist
   participation and support for OSGeo.
   - OSGeo reserves the right to terminate its relation with an "OSGeo
   Chapter" if OSGeo has reasons to believe that the activities of the "OSGeo
   Chapter" are contrary or detrimental to the Mission and Objectives of OSGeo.

 Chapter Benefits

   - "OSGeo Chapter" is permitted to use OSGeo Logo and other branded
   resources for promoting the Mission and Objectives of OSGeo.
   - OSGeo will provide necessary infrastructure to promote communication
   and visibility of "OSGeo Chapter". The infrastructure will include mailing
   list, hosting of wiki pages, domain service for "OSGeo Chapter".

 Chapter Formation

In order to form a chapter, the following steps should be taken:

   1. "OSGeo Chapter" should self-organize (for instance in the OSGeo wiki,
   via OSGeo mailing list, etc), seeking to determine if a critical mass of
   interest exists to justify a chapter.
   2. "OSGeo Chapter" should prepare a mission and objectives indicating the
   scope of the planned chapter (geographic or linquistic extent for instance).

   3. "OSGeo Chapter" should propose an official representative to liaise
   with the OSGeo Board. If accepted by the board, the representative will be
   an officer of OSGeo.
   4. "OSGeo Chapter" should submit an official expression of interest to
   form a chapter to the OSGeo board, listing initial members, mission,
   representative, legal form (incorporated?) and other supporting information.

   5. The OSGeo board shall then consider passing a motion forming the
   chapter, and designating the liason officer.

In considering the formation of new OSGeo chapters, the board will consider
issues including:

   - Does the mandate (geographically or linguistically) conflict with other
   existing chapters or chapters-in-formation?
   - Does the chapter appear to have sufficient interest to justify official
   - Does the chapter appear to be open to broad membership, and
   representative of the target geographic or linguistic community? (eg. if a
   chapter had the objective to cover all Spanish speakers, it would be
   inappropriate if the only interest demonstrated was from one country)

Bendirei o senhor em todo o tempo,
Na minha boca sempre o seu louvor
Sl 34 (33),1–16
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