[OSGeo-Brasil] hello

Leonardo Euler Santos eullersantos em hotmail.com
Segunda Janeiro 25 01:48:18 EST 2010

hello friend:
     I am glad to tell you one good news ! i have bought one HP laptop from one site then i got it within 3-5 working days and the quality is high too.i am very satisfaied with their service. there are many interesting electronic items on the site!such as Phones,TVs Laptops or Video Games or Motorbikes and so on!also the price is good enough!If you have free time you can visite the site by yourself

the website:     Elepurch.com
Their Email:     elepurch em 188.com 		 	   		  
Agora é fácil compartilhar fotos no Messenger: solte todas na janelinha. Veja como!
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