[OSGeo-Brasil] Webinar (em inglês) hoje às 18h: Australian Urban Research Infrastructure Network

Eduardo Freitas eduardo em mundogeo.com
Quinta Março 6 10:41:08 PST 2014

Webinar (em inglês) hoje às 18h: Australian Urban Research 
Infrastructure Network:

This webinar will be on AURIN, the Australian Urban Research 
Infrastructure Network, by: Chris Pettit, Strategic Implementation 
Coordinator (University of Melbourne, Australia); and Dr. Jack Barton, 
Urban Data and e-Research Facilitator.

AURIN is building a geospatial open source online platform to support 
the urban research and policy and decision-making community in 
Australia. AURIN is a nationally funded project through the Department 
of Education¹s Super Science initiative. An open source geoportal has 
been built (currently in Beta 3) which provides secure access to a large 
array of datasets from across Australia using a federated data 
architecture. The portal also provides a suite of spatial-statistics, 
workflow and visualization tools to support urban researchers, policy 
and decision-making in planning for sustainable cities.

This webinar will introduce the AURIN project, discuss the various 
e-infrastructure components of the portal and federated data hubs and 
will give a demonstration of its capability.

Attendees will be able to interact with the speakers by sending their 
comments and questions through chat. All attendees of this web seminar 
will receive certificates for their participation.
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