[OSGeo-Brasil] Congresso sobre software livre para GIS no governo brasileiro
Daniel Araujo Miranda
miranda.dam em dpf.gov.br
Quarta Setembro 28 08:44:40 PDT 2016
Hi Jeff, great to hear from you!
I am surprised at the level of technical talent present here at the congress.
One guy managed to do considerable integration between ArcGIS and QGis to manage a database stored in PostGIS. At the Q&A I poked him a bit on that and he said that he thinks ArcGIS support should probably be dropped because it is so full of caveats. A big project was presented (SIGEF/Terra Legal) which implemented the official integrated parcel infrastructure for the entirety of Brazil, based on open source. Luiz Motta was the main technical mind behind that.
We are seeing the work being done on several public institutions and a general trend seems to be:
*the adoption of PostgreSQL+PostGIS
*the use of QGis as a desktop tool
*it seems that most institutions have developed qgis plugins for internal use
*low maturity on the infrastructure for information sharing (overloaded servers, bandwidth limits, too many interface types)
I will deliver a presentation tomorrow on the Brazilian Federal Police's migration to open source software for GIS.
I wish you the best!
Daniel Miranda
Brazilian Federal Police
On Tuesday, September 27, 2016 15:55 BRT, Jeff McKenna <jmckenna em gatewaygeomatics.com> wrote:
Thank you Miranda for sharing the news on this great event. I also
tried to share this on Twitter today.
Jeff McKenna
President Emeritus, OSGeo
On 2016-09-27 3:35 PM, Daniel Araujo Miranda wrote:
> Olá pessoal,
> Divulgo o seminário sobre uso de software livre para informações
> geoespaciais no governo que está acontecendo hoje, amanhã e depois no IBAMA.
> O portal do evento é:
> https://doity.com.br/foss4gisgov/
> Existe um link para esse portal a partir do portal do ibama
> (siscom.ibama.gov.br), mas não estou conseguindo abrir o portal do IBAMA
> agora.
> O seminário será transmitido ao vivo pelo
> link http://asiste.ibama.gov.br/ibama/
> Abraço,
> Miranda
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