[OSGeo-Brasil] E-mail com notícias FOSS4g Buenos Aires

Felipe Sodre Barros felipe.b4rros em gmail.com
Terça Novembro 3 17:34:54 PST 2020

Pessoal, boa noite.
A organização do evento Free and Open Source Software For GIS 2021, que
ocorrerá em Buenos Aires (Argentina) segue firme.
Compartilharam hj esse e-mail a quem quiser receber notificações sobre o
Compartilho pois pode ser de interesse de vocês.

Quem estiver interessado em ajudar na divulgação do evento nas comunidades
brasileiras, me avisem para somarmos esforços.

---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: FOSS4G 2021 <news em foss4g.org>
Date: Tue, 3 Nov 2020 at 11:47
Subject: Newsletter
To: <felipe.b4rros em gmail.com>

View this email in your browser


*The Free and Open Source Software for Geospatial Conference* is an annual
global conference that has been held in a different city every year since
2004. Its objective is to bring professionals, institutions, companies,
students and the public of interest to these spaces and generate exchanges
of new ideas on this topic.

The next FOSS4G will be in *Buenos Aires city, Argentina, from September 27
to October 3, 2021. *

We are interested in knowing if *you would like to continue receiving
information about this event. *
If you were already subscribed, the same system will indicate it to you.

If you *do not wish to receive* this type of information, you can
unsubscribe here

For more information go to our website
or send us an email. <info em foss4g.org>Thank you for helping us get the
information correct!

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OSGeo Foundation
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FOSS4G 2021 - 9450 SW Gemini Dr - Beaverton, Oregon 97008 - United States

Felipe Sodré Barros

Mgtr. Ecología y Biodiversidad
Cel: +54 9 376 5 118193
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