[California] Bay Area Event

Alex Mandel tech_dev at wildintellect.com
Sat May 31 14:32:37 EDT 2008

Paul Ramsey wrote:
> Hi Californicators,
> I am proposing an event for the Bay Area in '09 and am wondering to
> what extent you think this is a good idea in your locality. Would you
> like this event to come to town?
> Paul

I think it's a good idea, like some on the Marketing team/Board I see 
some concerns over exactly how to promote it. But more importantly I'm 
concerned that a significant portion of the population will be left out 
of the opportunity. The estimated price is really quite expensive for 
anyone on a student budget. Do you have plans for student discounts or 
better yet scholarships etc. for deserving students who just don't have 
that kind of financial backing. Maybe discounts for helping staff the 
event too.

The basic dilemma is that students are a really good target for learning 
FOSS and in a few short years they are the work force. This is why 
Adobe, ESRI offer huge site license discounts to Universities. If we 
don't make it easier for students to become proficient in FOSS tools 
before they enter the work force it's much harder to convert them later.

This isn't to say that there aren't plenty of people who do have the 
funds from their employeers, well actually most state agencies in CA 
won't this coming year with the way our budget is red but private firms 
and consultants probably see the price tag as a reasonable.


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