[California] AGU in December (Volunteers)

Michele Tobias mmtobias at ucdavis.edu
Wed Nov 11 12:35:58 EST 2009

Normally, I'm pretty excited to help staff a booth for OSGeo at a 
conference, but this one is bad timing for me. 


Ragi Y. Burhum wrote:
>     1. Who is already planning to go to the AGU and could help at the
>     booth
>     occasionally?
> I wasn't, however...
>     2. Who would be willing to staff the booth assuming they get a
>     booth pass?
> I would. The Moscone Center is right in front of my apartment (I 
> moved). I go have lunch there every other day. Let me know if you want 
> me to work the booth so I can add it to my calendar.
> - Ragi
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Michele Tobias
PhD Student
Geography Graduate Group
University of California, Davis
mmtobias at ucdavis.edu

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