[California] Preparations for the Annual Meeting

Michele Tobias mmtobias at ucdavis.edu
Wed Oct 12 23:54:22 EDT 2011

Hi Landon,
Alex and I have taken care of the physical location (reservations, keys, 
etc.), and Alex is working on the speaker time slots.  The one major 
thing we need is monetary sponsorship for lunch.  The other thing we 
need is to pick a caterer, but funding needs to come first.  We're 
thinking probably in the range of $500, but that's sort of a guess right 
now.  If we end up with less, we could probably provide afternoon 
snacks/coffee or something like that and have everyone get their own 
lunch in town.  I'm planning on making cookies, if I can eek out the time.

To recap, we need to do:
1. Lunch sponsorship - generous donors needed!
2. Catering order - only if we get money to pay for it


On 10/12/2011 8:36 PM, Sunburned Surveyor wrote:
> It looks like the RVSP list and list of speakers here is in good shape:
> http://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/California_Chapter_2011_Annual_Meeting
> I added myself to the speaker list. Is there any other preparations we
> need to make before the meeting? (I apologize for my silence the last
> couple of days. I've been out on the job site and away from a computer
> with an Internet connection.) It looks like I should start coodinating
> with speakers on talk lengths and time slots.
> Do we want any more planning for the afternoon session? Do we know
> what we want to work on for the code sprint?
> Landon
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Michele Tobias

PhD Candidate
Geography Graduate Group
University of California, Davis

mmtobias at ucdavis.edu

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