[California] Upcoming GeoMeetups - 1) Redhat's PaaS Openshift 2) FrankW on GDAL!

Ragi Burhum ragi at burhum.com
Thu Apr 19 14:18:53 EDT 2012

Hi guys,

I wanted to give you a heads up for two of the upcoming GeoMeetups - super
awesome speakers :)

1.- Platform as a Service (OpenShift PaaS) for Geospatial Applications

About the presentation:

Platform as a Service (PaaS) represents the next evolution of cloud
computing – developers just write their apps in anything from Java to
Python, commit their code to git, and voila – instant app!
Steven will talk a bit about PaaS versus Infrastructure as a Service versus
Software as a Service and when you might consider each cloud solution.
Then he will use Redhat's OpenShift PaaS to show how quickly and easily a
developer can get their data into PostGIS or MongoDB spatial, deploy
Geoserver to Jboss, and then place a small web app on top. A developer can
focus on building spatial applications, leaving the infrastructure and
scaling to their PaaS provider.

About Steve:

Steve is a PaaS Dust Spreader (aka developer evangelist) with OpenShift. He
goes around and shows off all the great work the OpenShift engineers do. He
can teach you about PaaS with Java, PostgreSQL MongoDB, mobile JavaScript,
some Android, a little bit of iPhone,  and even some Python . He has 11
years of Java programming expertise ranging from data processing and
statistical analysis to ORM and web applications. He began doing geospatial
work 19 years ago and has done geospatial programming work on multiple
platforms using JavaScript, .NET, and Java, He has spoken at numerous
conferences including JavaOne, BAPI, CTIA, AjaxWorld, ESRI Developer
Conference, GeoWeb, Where2.0, and SAP TechEd. Before OpenShift, Steve was a
developer evangelist for LinkedIn and deCarta. Steve holds a B.A. from
Vassar College, an M.S. from University of Georgia and a Ph. D. in Ecology
from University of Connecticut. He likes building interesting applications
and helping developers create great solutions.


2.- GDAL Present and Future - Frank Warmerdam

About the presentation:

The GDAL/OGR library and tools is a swiss-army-knife for geospatial data
access. Frank will provide an introduction to the project, discussion of
capabilities focused on the raster data and then some command line and
python examples.

About Frank Warmerdam:

Frank is the founder of the GDAL/OGR project and long time geospatial data
hacker contributing to projects including libtiff, libgeotiff, PROJ.4, and
MapServer and active in OSGeo.  After more than a decade of consulting he
has sold out to the man, and is now working at Google.

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