[California] California Digest, Vol 49, Issue 1

Ragi Burhum ragi at burhum.com
Wed Jul 4 13:17:11 PDT 2012

> Date: Tue, 3 Jul 2012 14:45:15 -0700
> From: Landon Blake <sunburned.surveyor at gmail.com>
> To: california at lists.osgeo.org
> Subject: [California] 2012 OSGeo California Chapter Annual Meeting
> Message-ID:
>         <
> CALJ1OBWv6abNDGi-ruzVXWQXiTT09k8xWASyLZa-OYdMps6NQA at mail.gmail.com>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1
> California Chapter Members:
> Half the year is over, which means we should get our required annual
> meeting scheduled. This seems to be my only real duty as the board rep
> for our chapter, and I don't want to neglect it. :]
> Scott Gregory, the California State GIO, is scheduled to speak at the
> CCVGPG () meeting on Friday, September 21, 2012. He is going to talk
> about the state GIS data repo he is setting up, and it uses open
> source software. I'd be open to hosting a joint meeting of the user
> group and our OSGeo Chapter. The meetings are usually held in Manteca,
> but they could be moved to other cities in the Central Valley.
> If that doesn't work for the group, I'd like to propose a meeting on
> Saturday, October 6, 2012. As always, I'm willing to host the meeting
> here in Stockton. I know people don't like to come to Stockton, so if
> you would like to host the meeting, please let me know.
> I'm very interested in making our meeting accessible to people all
> over the state. I definitely want to put up a web page for the event,
> and I'd like to have at videos of the talks available from the web
> site. I don't know how difficult it would be to stream the videos
> live. If would also be cool if we could get our speakers to submit
> talk videos prepared before the meeting so they could be available the
> day of the meeting. I can help with video editing.
> Not sure if we could enable remote participation in a cartography
> sprint of code sprint, if we are going to have them, but I'd be
> interested in that as well.
> I can commit to doing a talk on GPX, OpenLayers, CAD versus GIS, or
> OpenJUMP.  I could also lead a code sprint on OpenJUMP, Geotools, or
> possibly OpenLayers.
> Let me know what you think about the date, if you are willing to give
> a talk, or host an activity at the meeting.
> I haven't set up a web survey just yet. I thought I'd get some
> informal feedback from the group before I decide if that is necessary.
> Please let me know what you think of the joint meeting on September 21
> or the meeting on October 6.
> Landon
The meeting at Davis last year was great  (good turnout and good space). If
we want to do it in SF, I don't think it would be a problem to find
somebody to give us a space through the GeoMeetup list. Nevertheless, a
joint meeting with another group (CCVGPG) and the CA GIO may help increase
awareness of OSGeo, so perhaps it would be a better choice. I am down for
doing a presentation on GDAL / PostGIS / GeoDjango / Cloud / nginx + tiling
servers / optimization of web geo stacks / building a business around open
source geospatial tools / whatever.
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