[California] Slither Grid Sprint at Tomorrow's Annual Meeting

Landon Blake sunburned.surveyor at gmail.com
Fri Oct 12 08:35:51 PDT 2012

At tomorrow's annual meeting from 1PM to 3PM I'm going to coordinate a
Python code sprint. I'd like to invite you to help me write Python
code for a new open source geospatial library/application that I'm
working on. The project is called Slither Grid. The goal of the
project is to develop a library and GUI application for the analysis
and manipulation of geospatial raster data, with a focus on raster
data that isn't visual imagery. Initially the library and project will
focus on elevation data sets.

You can view the code here:

My goal is to write the library entirely in Python, with no external
dependencies on C libraries, including GDAL.

Here are some of the tasks we might accomplish on the code sprint:

- Unit tests for the Cell and RowAndColumn classes.
- Complete implementation and unit test the TwoDeeGrid class.
- Implement File IO for LAS and ESRI Grid files.
- Implement conversion of TwoDeeGrid to PNG using LibPNG.
- Design and begin implementation of raster maniuplation framework
using something like the visitor pattern.
- Think about design of a plug-in framework.
- Begin initial GUI design in TKinter.

I must admit I'm not an expert in Python or raster data processing.
This project is mainly a learning experience for me, but I want it to
generate useful code. If you know Python I hope you will participate
with me in the code sprint.


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