[California] Hacker Dojo and GIS Day

Hobbs, Jeff Jeff_Hobbs at sjwater.com
Wed Oct 24 12:57:07 PDT 2012

BAAMA are the folks that run GIS Day at UC Berkley.

Kevin Koy and Cristi Delgado have been the folks that have "sponsored" GIS Day for BAAMA the last few years.


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Jeff Hobbs | IT Manager, GIS and Web Technologies | San Jose Water Company | 1265 South Bascom Avenue | San Jose, CA 95128
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-----Original Message-----
From: california-bounces at lists.osgeo.org [mailto:california-bounces at lists.osgeo.org] On Behalf Of Ragi Burhum
Sent: Wednesday, October 24, 2012 12:48
To: california at lists.osgeo.org
Subject: Re: [California] Hacker Dojo and GIS Day

Hi Landon,

UC Berkeley usually has talks / presentations for GIS day. Would it make sense to try to do something together with them as opposed to creating events that dilutes each other's attendance.

> I wanted to let everyone know we got approved for our Hack-A-Thon at 
> the Hacker Dojo:
> http://events.hackerdojo.com/event/1867001-2013-osgeo-california-chapt
> er-hackathon
> Thanks for helping with this Bill Rainey!
> I hope to whip up a mobile friendly chapter web site soon. When this 
> is done I'll add the hack-a-thon details to the event page of the web 
> site.
> GIS Day is on November 14th? Do we want to organize any chapter 
> activity for that? Some ideas might be:
> - Open Street Map mapping party.
> - Coordinated launch of open source GIS software tutorials/videos.
> - Donating some volunteer time to assist with mapping related work at 
> a local non-profit.
> We've only got about 2 weeks, but I can help organize something for 
> GIS Day if people are interested.
> Landon
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