[California] Preliminary Track Schedule for OSGeo Open Source Track at CLSA 2014 Conference

Landon Blake sunburned.surveyor at gmail.com
Wed Jun 12 10:46:43 PDT 2013

I'm close to finalizing our schedule for the open source GIS track at the
2014 CLSA Conference:


Ragi and Jeff: Could you add a short bio paragraph to the wiki page? Or
send it to me by e-mail and I will add it.

I've still got room for a 1 or 2 hour talk/workshop on GIS programming at
the end of the session. Is there anyone willing to teach? Something on
Python or R or Ruby?

Let me know.


On Tue, May 21, 2013 at 6:44 PM, Landon Blake
<sunburned.surveyor at gmail.com>wrote:

> The committee that organizes the Annual CLSA Conference is interested in
> having a half day or full day event on open source GIS at the 2014
> Conference. They've asked me to put together some information about our
> event schedule and the speakers.
> I've put up a preliminary event schedule based on a full day event with
> two tracks here:
> http://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/CLSA_2014_Conference_OSGeo_Open_Source_GIS_Track
> I've left several open slots. Here are some sample topics that could be
> plugged into those open slots:
> - Python scripting with QGIS.
> - The business case for GIS.
> - Linear referencing in GIS.
> - Introduction to QGIS.
> - GIS database concepts with PostGIS.
> I'd like to keep the GIS concepts and GIS software parts of the event very
> simple and easy for beginners. This will have greater appeal for most land
> surveyors.
> The last part of the event on GIS programming can be geared towards more
> experienced GIS users.
> I'd be more than willing to host a short hackfest in Reno on the evening
> before or after the session.
> This is a really great opportunity to get exposure for our organization to
> a large audience of spatial professionals.
> Jeff and Ragi: Let me know where you might like to plug-in to the
> preliminary event schedule.
> Others: Please let me know if you could serve as a speaker. Your
> registration for the GIS event would be waived, and I think I can get
> registration for the rest of the 3 or 4 day conference waived as well.
> I'm really excited about this opportunity and I hope you can support it
> with your teaching and speaking.
> Landon
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