[California] SoCal Event

Jeffrey Johnson ortelius at gmail.com
Mon Jan 25 09:28:03 PST 2016

Landon et al,

I'm certainly interested in doing this.

I'm planning to help organize a set of OSGeo oriented activities at
CalGIS in May and coordinating with the Organizing Committee.

Specifically the activities we had in mind were these.

* One all day workshop during the conference workshop day May 10th. We
can split this into 4x 2 hour blocks to do a high level overview of a
variety of tools. My thought was a) qgis b) postgis/geoserver/ogc c)
mapbox d) cartodb

* Presentation Sessions on Applications of Open Source during the
conference days (11th or 12th). We can organize as many blocks as we
have proposals for. My thought was that all of us do some outreach to
the universities, agencies and public/private orgs that are actually
_using_ open source geo to submit abstracts about their work. I.e. not
to focus on the tools themselves but how they are being applied in the
real world in CA.

* OSM Remote Mapping party at a bar somewhere near the conference
hotel to pick up some tasks on MapGive/HOT and work on them together.
Our thought was to find a nice bar back room where we can all setup
our laptops and drink beer.

Additionally, I'm going to chase down the companies using Open Source
in our state and encourage them to sponsor and participate. I've
started working on this already and my own consulting org is

I think its also a nice idea if our chapter organizes a student award
for the best student presentation on open source ... perhaps we can
find a sponsor to send them to Bonn for the global FOSS4G?

I can certainly use help on any/all of these things and I could really
use help on the outreach for the presentations. Specifically, can we
add a blurb about this to the site and push this out to our networks?
It would be really fantastic if we could get quite a few submissions
and have several session blocks. The deadline is ostensibly February
1, but the organizing committee is amenable to extending a 'special'
one for open source for a few more weeks as many universities are just
getting back in the swing of these in these weeks.

Additionally, I think it makes sense to try to try to focus on open
source in gis education as this is one of the key initiatives for
OSGeo in general. I'll personally be reaching out to some folks around
the geoforall initiative to see if they can participate.

Sorry I could not travel to Davis this past weekend to present this.

Should we setup a time for an IRC chat or call to discuss?


On Mon, Jan 25, 2016 at 7:37 AM, Landon Blake
<sunburned.surveyor at gmail.com> wrote:
> Let me know if there is interest in hosting an OSGeo California event in
> Southern California. I'm willing to attend as a speaker and help
> organize/administer. We'll need a place to host.
> Landon
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