RNFdev Thinking through polygon creation
Sampson, David
dsampson at NRCan.gc.ca
Fri Sep 22 08:39:03 EDT 2006
Fantastic, that we're on the list finaly... I think this will be good
for other people who come on and want ot be brought up to speed.
Newbie digitizer eh?... Ohhhh the fun and games we'll have (smile)...
Concepts are pretty simple. I think we have concluded the first
symantical discussion that digitizing always brings about... Asthetic VS
Accuracy. I think we both agree accuracy is more import than a NICE
looking vector (for the most part). There is an art to digitizing just
as there apears to be one for geocoding.
I'm in for the road segment approach. One big reason is that if for some
reason the FSA approach changes or information is updated or an FSA
added we can create ways to update the data.common edges are good.
Alright, I think at this point I need some points of clarification on CD
and CS.... I know what they are in concept but you mention them a lot.
Is there a corelation between the esitance of an FSA and a CS/CD?
What was the 1 or 2 hardest part(s) of matching the FSA lists I created
to the DBF of the populated names? Is this something that we should
create a process or technique? Someone might be able to script
something. Almost a sudo standardizer like we were talking about before.
Is this another chicken and egg scenario?
-----Original Message-----
From: Dan Putler [mailto:putler at sauder.ubc.ca]
Sent: September 21, 2006 22:35
To: can_rnf at geodata.osgeo.org
Subject: RNFdev Thinking through polygon creation
Hi Dave,
I moved our email discussion to the list.
I am essentially a newbie to digitalizing, so the issues involved in
digitalizing the FSA polygons didn't dawn on me. Then I remembered all
about shards, overlapping borders, and so on. I can see how using road
segments to form polygon edges makes a lot sense, particularly when
dealing with adjacent FSA polygons, since it guarantees a common edge
between them. As a result, I think we should attempt to make the road
segment approach work.
The other concern I had was shore line and other "natural borders".
However, my guess is that we can get good natural borders by taking the
intersection between either a Census Subdivision (or Census Division,
which are already publicly available for the 2001 Census) and a FSA
polygon (created with very crude "natural borders". Am I correct about
this assumption?
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