[Carto] O Diagram - INPUT

Carlos Gabriel Asato g_asato2000 at yahoo.com
Fri Aug 28 13:41:20 EDT 2009

Hi to all

As we agreed in the last email the memory cost of objects involved in a input process for a cartographic systems is too high and has a strong impact on subjects related to bandwith and local data access (disk access).

Some input methods can be defined:

Local         - GDAL/OGR
Network    - OGC Based
Network    - SDB Based (PostGIS, ORACLE, SDE, etc)

Local - GDAL/OGR
Well my experience said that it is also convenient to have access to special data structures like esri image databases, esri librarian, or other structures that combine same kind of information in one virtual structure.

Network    - OGC Based
High quality maps put a strong constraint OGC interoperability methods. As we agreed in a previous e-mail, WMS is unsuitable method for obtaining data for high quality maps, but it still usefull for report maps.

Other methods like WCS and WFS seems apropiate ( Can anybody check these?) but in order not destroy our network a local cache for that data will be something that we will need.

Network   - SDB Based
On line reading, cache or data download?

Can anybody made other comments to this?

My best regards

 Gabriel Asato
Unidad Sensores Remotos y SIG
Servicio Geológico Minero Argentino
Av. Julio A. Roca 651 p 8 of 1
Cdad. Autónoma de Buenos Aires

tel 54-11-4349-3158/26
fax 54-11-4349-3287

      Yahoo! Cocina

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