[Carto] GSS for styling

Tyler Mitchell (OSGeo) tmitchell at osgeo.org
Wed May 27 11:23:26 EDT 2009

Hi Mike,
Welcome to the list, it's really new, so it's no surprise you missed  
it.   It came from a need to have a discussion forum around this  
particular concept:

Hmm, that page is still due to a refactoring :)


On 26-May-09, at 11:01 PM, Michal Migurski wrote:

> Hi guys,
> I didn't know there was a list dedicated to print quality osgeo  
> output, but I've just subscribed because at least two of my OSM- 
> related side projects right now are explicitly about print. W00t.
> GSS is super-interesting, especially as it relates to another  
> javascript project I'm keeping an eye on: http://protovis.org . I  
> think the chained functional programming style that Mike Bostock  
> used might be an excellent fit for GSS. I'd hesitate to call GSS  
> "JSON", though, since the example uses on Cartagen look a bit more  
> like full-blown javascript rather than an object notation! =)
> Anyway, I'm happy to see that there's a lot of interest in better  
> ways to describe cartography, I was getting sick of the tyranny of  
> XML.
> -mike.
> On May 26, 2009, at 9:01 PM, Dane Springmeyer wrote:
>> Hey Tyler,
>> Yes, I've just returned from WhereCamp where I chatted with Jeff  
>> Warren about this.
>> In short, its very new - he just launched the project, but he's  
>> got a number of very cool ideas for dynamic styling on the  
>> clientside. GSS is essentially a json structure that will lend  
>> itself to functional hooks to do dynamic styling based on  
>> attributes or variables. As such we talked about the blurring of  
>> styles and content, where appropriate and where perhaps dangerous.
>> He and Mike Migurkski also discussed his idea of GSS in the  
>> context of Cascadenik (CSS styles -> Mapnik XML) http:// 
>> code.google.com/p/mapnik-utils/wiki/Cascadenik.  Its likely that  
>> Mike and Jeff are going to be comparing notes closely after this  
>> week, so I've cc'ed them so they are aware that others are  
>> interested.
>> Dane
>> On May 26, 2009, at 8:29 PM, Tyler Mitchell (OSGeo) wrote:
>>> I saw in Slashgeo the reference to Cartagen's GSS project.   
>>> Anyone worked with it, particularly on the server side?
>>> http://wiki.cartagen.org/wiki/show/HomePage
>>> I'm not so interested in the web interface HTML/js side of it,  
>>> but as a potential specification for styling.
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> ----------------------------------------------------------------
> michal migurski- mike at stamen.com
>                  415.558.1610

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