[Carto] Map specifications

Carlos Gabriel Asato g_asato2000 at yahoo.com
Thu Apr 8 13:40:03 EDT 2010

Dear all

This is a map schema I am using for map production in my geological survey. It works fine for maps composed of only one map frame. I made some modification trying to adapt it for a map with multiple map frames. The original program that use this scheme was made using Arc-Info AML (I have some ideas to port it to the next ARCGIS Python). This scheme does not include metadata and is a good idea to include it.

The idea behind of this scheme is try to give flexibility on styles and data source management and re-use. It works fine for model based cartography.


<page name=anything>
  <orientation>['v','h']</orientation> #if orientation is null v is default
  # if page name is not given then
  <page_size width='any number in cm' height='any number in cm'>

   <margins up='any number' down=''any number' left='any number' right='any number' units=[cm,inch,mm.....]>

  <guideLine name=anything> # define guide lines or positions of simetry for placing cartographic objects
    <yplace units='cm'>margin.up - 10</yplace>
  <guidePoint name=anything>
     <xplace units='mm'>30</xplace>
     <yplace units='mm'>300</xplace>

  <insets type=[text, image/jpg, image/svg, legend, document, ] name=anything src=[file, http, dbconnector..]>
    <insetParam paramName=anything>value</insetParam>
    <insetParam paramName=width units=mm>25</insetParam>
    <insetParam paramName=xposition units=mm>30</insetParam># relative to page margins
    <insetParam paramName=relativeposition >centerpage</insetParam># relative to page margins
    <insetParam paramName=xrelativeposition >middlepage</insetParam># relative to page margins
    <insetParam paramName=xrelativeposition >GuideLineDummy1</insetParam># relative to page margins
    <insetParam paramName=origin >0 0</insetParam>
    <insetParam paramName=origin >middle middle</insetParam>

<mapStructure name=anything>

<mapStructure name=anything2>


<MapFrame name=anything>

<box>xmin ymin xmax ymax</box>
  <insets type=[text, image/jpg, image/svg, legend, document, ] name=anything src=[file,http; dbconnector]>
    <insetParam paramName=anything>value</insetParam>
    <insetParam paramName=width units=mm>25</insetParam>
    <insetParam paramName=xposition units=mm>30</insetParam># relative to frame
    <insetParam paramName=relativeposition >centerframe</insetParam> # relative to frame
    <insetParam paramName=xrelativeposition >middleframe</insetParam># relative to frame
    <insetParam paramName=origin >0 0</insetParam>
    <insetParam paramName=origin >middle middle</insetParam>


<mapDef name=anything>
<scale>[any number, automatic]
<mapSRS>EPSG:22634 .......# if no EPSG code is given other tags of forms (may proj4 declaration) can be used for srs definition
<mapExtend>['absolute defined by geographic or planar coordinate', 'relative defined by a boundary of an object']</mapExtend>

</mapDef name=anything>


<DataSourceCollection name=anything>
  <layer name='mustBeUnique'>.......  </layer> #can be file, url, etc, etc
  <layer name='mustBeUnique'>.......</layer>
  <layer name='mustBeUnique'>.......</layer>
  <layer name='mustBeUnique'>.......</layer>

#For this sections is much better use SLD standard????
  layerName objectType pallete symbol LUT  SelectionParameters


  <BoundaryDef>[box(xmin,ymin,xmax,ymax), "a geographic object", "a polygon in WKT",......]
  <BoundarySRS> EPSG:
  <BoundaryStyle>palette, color, etc..
  <grid name=geo>
      <gridSRS> EPSG:
      <gridStyle type=[grid, marks,...] >palette, color, xinterval, yinterval, labelingStyle, marksymbol,linesymbol.......
      <LabelingStyle>font, size, color, orientation, template, offset
   <grid name=planar>
      <gridSRS> EPSG:
      <gridStyle type=[grid, marks,...] >palette, color, xinterval, yinterval, labelingStyle.......
      <LabelingStyle>font, size, color, orientation, template, gridOffset



I hope no forget anything!!!.

Please make the comments you think appropiate


Gabriel Asato
Unidad Sensores Remotos y SIG
Servicio Geológico Minero Argentino
Av. Julio A. Roca 651 p 8 of 1
Cdad. Autónoma de Buenos Aires

tel 54-11-4349-3158/26
fax 54-11-4349-3287

De: George Silva <georger.silva at gmail.com>
Para: carto at lists.osgeo.org
Enviado: miércoles, 7 de abril, 2010 22:26:48
Asunto: [Carto] Map specifications

Hello everyone,

I would like to try to get the ball rolling, so I thought to start simple. I'm not familiar with Mapnik also, so please 
bear with me.

What are the components of a map document (this are just informal ideas, give your opinion about them :P)

"Map Metadata"

Size (width x height)
Graphics (north arrow, title, other pictures, etc)
Ordered set of "views" (I'm calling a view what would be a map inset, a map 
inside another map)

Each "view" should have:

      Size of map-inset
      Projection (datasets have projections, 
but they can be represented in a different projection)
set of Layers
      [Coordinate grid] (each of these should be graphic? should these 
be tied up to each "view" or they are independent map graphics?)
      [Scale Bar]
      [Scale Text]
elements I'm missing?

Since XML was mentioned by Tyler, I tried a top-bottom approach.

Any ideas about these?

Thank you for your 
patiente :P


George R. C. Silva

Desenvolvimento em GIS

      Yahoo! Cocina

Encontra las mejores recetas con Yahoo! Cocina.

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