[Carto] Sample Map Rendering Input File

Landon Blake lblake at ksninc.com
Thu Apr 8 18:53:23 EDT 2010

Is formatting an XML doc on the wiki a pain in the neck?

How about the doc I attached as a starting point for an input file?
(It's XML!) :]

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-----Original Message-----
From: Tyler Mitchell (OSGeo) [mailto:tmitchell at osgeo.org] 
Sent: Thursday, April 08, 2010 3:39 PM
To: George Silva
Cc: Landon Blake; carto at lists.osgeo.org
Subject: Re: [Carto] Four Steps to Moving Forward With a Spec, Input
File, and Working Map Rendering Engine Prototype

George Silva wrote:
> I guess we could use some sort of UML or something
> near that to arrange all our ideas too. I'm not sure if everyone likes
> UML, but it helps me think and it's a great form of documenting. If
> anyone can suggest another, please do.

I'm hoping we can stick with a simple list of properties with too much
inner complexity needing diagramming.  If we need we could do up an XML
schema style document right in the wiki - would that be reasonable?

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