[cat-interop] Metadata link types vocabulary proposal
stepan.kafka at gmail.com
Mon Mar 3 04:35:44 PST 2014
Dear all,
I personally would advocate for using ULRs rather than URNs with
regard to potencial semantic web approach in future. Also service types
should be described by ontologies.
Stepan Kafka
-----Original Message-----
From: cat-interop-bounces at lists.osgeo.org
[mailto:cat-interop-bounces at lists.osgeo.org] On Behalf Of Tom Kralidis
Sent: Saturday, March 01, 2014 1:08 PM
To: Paul van Genuchten
Cc: <cat-interop at lists.osgeo.org>
Subject: Re: [cat-interop] Metadata link types vocabulary proposal
On Fri, Feb 28, 2014 at 4:17 PM, Paul van Genuchten
<paul.vangenuchten at geocat.net> wrote:
> Hi Tom, such a vocabulary using urn's is that still commonly used?
> My impression is that vocabularies these days use url's as identifiers.
We were initially inspired by the OGC URN Policy
For me I like the object type token of the URN notation as I can depend on
knowing it's some sort of service, or data format, for example. And I can
tokenize the URN with more apriori knowledge given its structure.
Having said this, how would using URLs be better? Now is a good time to
discuss this.
> I noticed you've also added some formats in the list (GML).
> Should we extend the list to have all known (geo)-formats, or maybe
> only W3C/OGC/OKFN-standard formats that are commonly used for data
IMHO we should start small, with known, in-use common formats. The initial
list was based on a sift of Richard's initial list and the GeoNetwork link
type enumerations.
> And/Or create a separate list for formats (we might use an
> OGR-capabilities document here).
> Such as:
> - geojson
> - topojson
> - esri shapefile/filegeodatabase/e00
> - dxf/mapinfo tab
> - postgis/oracle/msql(-dumps)
> - mbtiles/spatialite/geoPackage
> - geoTiff/geoJpeg/mrsid/...
> - geoCSV/dbf/xls
I was thinking exactly this too (by first looking at ogrinfo --formats).
where $FORMAT is a slugified string based on the value in
gdalinfo|ogrinfo --formats.
I would suggest keeping this small based on what people really have as links
in their metadata documents.
> Some additional servicetypes to consider
> - atom/rss/opensearch
> - geosparql/rdf/json-ld/rdfa
> - odata
> - geoGit
> - geoRestConf (a to be developed spec to configure servers remotely,
> like https://github.com/neogeo-technologies/mra)
> I'd suggest to use w3c as namespace for the www-link type
Good point. How about urn:x-w3c:link:simpleLink ?
> For www-thumbnail we might also use the schema.org
> thumbnailUrl-property from CreativeWork, does this make sence?
> Cheers, Paul
> cat-interop-request at lists.osgeo.org schreef op 28-2-2014 21:00:
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>> Today's Topics:
>> 1. Metadata link types vocabulary proposal (Tom Kralidis)
>> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
>> -
>> Message: 1
>> Date: Fri, 28 Feb 2014 11:43:36 -0500
>> From: Tom Kralidis <tomkralidis at gmail.com>
>> To: "<cat-interop at lists.osgeo.org>" <cat-interop at lists.osgeo.org>
>> Subject: [cat-interop] Metadata link types vocabulary proposal
>> Message-ID:
>> <CAFWXLWUJxpwOUZYafuKo7o+avuqXnR+TPjVTz6CWMGDWDMt5AQ at mail.gmail.com>
>> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1
>> Hi all: update on this activity. We've crafted an initial,
>> short/simple/extensible list at:
>> https://github.com/OSGeo/Cat-Interop/blob/master/link_types.csv
>> Associated ticket: https://github.com/OSGeo/Cat-Interop/issues/1
>> The goal here is to have consensus among content providers and
>> implementations so something like this can be implemented.
>> Eventually, the list will be versioned and titled something like
>> "Link Type Vocabulary" with the author being "OSGeo Catalogue
>> Interoperability Working Group".
>> Here, it would be great for deegree2, GeoNetwork, pycsw and others to
>> support this, and it is a great time for finally harmonizing such an
>> important piece of interoperability in a pragmatic manner.
>> This also bring s us closer to realizing a better "add to map"
>> workflow/use case, a core driver of this WG.
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>> End of cat-interop Digest, Vol 3, Issue 6
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