[COC-discuss] Tasks pending on CoCC

María Arias de Reyna delawen at gmail.com
Sat Oct 19 03:19:42 PDT 2019


I added some emails on BCC because I am not sure if you are on the coc
discuss mailing list. I think I added all the people who volunteered at
some point for this, but my memory is not so good. Please, make sure you
are registered on coc-discuss mailing list before replying to any of this
if you still want to volunteer.

We have some things ahead we should do:

 * Remove the CoC-private mailing list. Not a good idea to report (leaves a
semi public record and is full of spam right now, making it unusable)
 * Create an email alias that redirects to the list of volunteers to
receive it. Please, answer on this thread if you want to volunteer for
this. (I do)
 * Change website and wiki pages to use this email alias instead of the
coc-private. Please, add anti-spam checks.
 * Add on the webpage and/or wiki the list of people this email alias is
forwarded to.
 * Add a link to this list everywhere the alias is mentioned, to make sure
people know who they are sending their emails to.
 * Add a paragraph saying that if you don't feel safe with the full list,
you can choose a subset to send your issues to.
 * Instead of making the alias public, add a form on the webpage to be able
to send messages to it behind a captcha. This should prevent spam. (As a
reference, on info at osgeo.org we receive a lot of spam)

If someone can take the lead on this tasks I would be very grateful. My
life is right now very short on free/volunteer time and I am just slow
(Took me "only" a month and a half to write and send this email, yay!).

Have a nice weekend!
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