Kouzoubov Kirill Kirill.Kouzoubov at ga.gov.au
Tue Jun 12 20:12:39 PDT 2018

Hi everyone,

I am Kirill Kouzoubov, software engineer at Geoscience Australia working on the Digital Earth Australia http://www.ga.gov.au/dea project with a particular focus on Open Data Cube development.

We are currently in the process of migrating some of our data and processing into the cloud from a more traditional supercomputer environment. We are interested in GeoTIFF format, as it seems to be the most supported way to work with spatial data in the cloud right now.

My focus right now is on understanding read performance from S3. Toward that goal I have developed a benchmarking suite in Python (using gdal and rasterio for actual data access). Currently focusing on "Pixel Gather" operation (reading single tile from many files), but I'm hoping to expand that in the future.

I tried to document it enough to be usable by other people than me, so give it a try


There is also a report where I discuss the findings generated by the benchmark when operating over Landsat 8 archive (I know it's not quite COG by some definitions, but it is an important collection that our users will want to access efficiently)



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