[Workshops] communicate with workshop/lab attenders

Massimiliano Cannata massimiliano.cannata at supsi.ch
Thu Aug 28 13:25:47 EDT 2008

Hi all,
is there an official way for communicate with attenders?
Or can you suggest the best option to do that?

I mean, for participating to my lab they will require to use a USB key 
with SlaxGIS installed.
It is very easy to do, but before the event I would like to advise 
interested people in build it before coming to the lab providing them 
detailed instructions :-D

A second question, does OSGeo provide any usb key?
I could buy some on my university expenses, but then I can just borrow 
them to users :-(
Maybe OSGeo can sell keys with logos on (marketing) and installed 
SlaxGIS.... (1Gb key will be enough...)


Dr. Massimiliano Cannata
Environmental & Geomatic Engineer

Institute of Earth Scences - SUPSI
Trevano, C.P. 72, CH-6952 Canobbio, SWITZERLAND

Tel:    +41 (0)58 / 666 62 14  
Fax:    +41 (0)58 / 666 62 09
E-mail: massimiliano.cannata at supsi.ch


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