[Workshops] Volunteer opportunities to do talks in education outreach sessions at Foss4G 2008 conference

Judit Mays mays at lat-lon.de
Fri Sep 19 02:53:21 EDT 2008

graeme mcferren schrieb:
> Dear Workshop and Lab Presenters
> If you feel like presenting the hard work you have done on your
> FOSS4G2008 lab or workshop to a further (different) audience, there are
> some opportunities to do so as outlined below. The events will take
> place away from the main conference venues, but may be a good chance to
> get FOSS4G into the hearts and minds of some of our teachers and
> students.
> Graeme
> —-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> "Volunteer opportunities to do talks in education outreach sessions at
> Foss4G 2008 conference."
> We currently need volunteers to help us in the education outreach
> sessions.
> We have the following spots that require volunteers. 
> Friday morning 9h00-12h00 ( 2x computer labs available) attended by
> school geography teachers
>     * Option 1. Map-aware where basic map skills are limited. 
> !!Volunteers needed: talk about basic mapping with examples!!
>     * Option 2. Demos of internet examples for grades 10 - 12 for
> teachers who don't want to learn GIS but want to know where to find
> examples to use in the classroom. 
> !!Volunteers needed: people who know about web sites that will be useful
> to teachers and who have experience with what is happening elsewhere.
> this could be 2 different people sharing a session!!
>     * Option 3. Hands-on exposure to GIS. 
> !!Volunteers needed: to give teachers an overview of GIS functionality.
> Software still to be decided in consultation with Department of
> Education!! 
> or 
> Friday afternoon 14h00-17h00 (24 PC'c available) attended by school
> geography teachers
>   *Option 4. Hands-on demo for geography teachers with exercises they
> can implement back in school. Talk on what is happening in the
> international scene with GIS in Education. Exposure to OS GIS software.
> or 
> Friday afternoon 14h00-17h00 (16 PC's available) attended by university
> staff and GIS Post-Grad students
>   *Option 5.  GIS delegates/volunteers to present workshop on Spatial
> data infrastructure development,web-based GIS, any other suggestions
> preferably OPEN SOURCE.

hello Graeme,
option 5 sounds more or less like my lab anyway, so I could jump in here.
(using OpenJUMP as a configuration tool for deegree web services. all open source)
Kind regards,

Judit Mays
l a t / l o n  GmbH
Aennchenstrasse 19               53177 Bonn, Germany
phone ++49 +228 18496-0          fax ++49 +228 18496-29
http://www.lat-lon.de            http://www.deegree.org

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