[Workshops] Anyone want to use the OSGeo Live DVD/VM during workshops?

Cameron Shorter cameron.shorter at gmail.com
Wed May 19 16:47:55 EDT 2010

If we have enough space on the OSGeo Live DVD/VM, I'd really like to 
include foss4g workshop documentation.

Who would be interested in including their workshop documentation on 
OSGeo Live?
Does anyone have an opinion on whether you'd prefer to deliver as HTML 
or PDF?
Is anyone able to give me estimates for the size of the documentation.

Cameron Shorter wrote:
> Iván Sánchez Ortega wrote:
>> El 18/05/2010 22:33, Cameron Shorter escribió:
>>> We can create a Virtual Box image of OSGeo Live if you wish.
>> +1
>>> So my question is: Does anyone want to use the OSGeo Live image during
>>> workshops?
>> I'd need to customize that image (add mapnik, mod_tile and some other 
>> tools). Otherwise, a consistent VM image sounds like a good idea, 
>> even just from a branding point of view.
> Ivan,
> You can see the existing contents of the LiveDVD here:
> http://download.osgeo.org/livedvd/content.html
> (note that this url will soon change to 
> http://live.osgeo.org/content.html
> Extra applications can potentially be added to the DVD, if they fit 
> our selection criteria of:
> * Open Source
> * GeoSpatial
> * Stable
> * Has documentation, and install script created, and a person acting 
> as a contact point for the project
> Oscar Fonts wrote:
>> Yes, it would be nice to have all the workshop & tutorial applications
>> preinstalled in the LiveDVD, so people can recall things @ home.
>> BTW, I was thinking of editing a USB instead of a DVD. Cameron, do you
>> think that the image would fit in and work fine in a 4 GB memory
>> stick? Any drawbacks you can think of?
> Oscar,
> I understand that someone else (Alex?) has successfully copied OSGeo 
> Live onto a USB stick. As noted, the USB has less space than a DVD, 
> and we are now running out of space on the DVD and need to start 
> making decisions about how we reduce the size of the image.
> Some of our options include:
> * Not including Windows and Mac installers
> * Asking all applications to use the same example datasets
> * Have all applications use the same Java version
> * Limit the applications on the DVD. (Hopefully this won't be a major 
> issue for FOSS4G 2010, but will likely be an issue for FOSS4G 2011)

Cameron Shorter
Geospatial Solutions Manager
Tel: +61 (0)2 8570 5050
Mob: +61 (0)419 142 254

Think Globally, Fix Locally
Geospatial Solutions enhanced with Open Standards and Open Source

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