[Workshops] GeoMoose (W4) workshop attendee list, can we get . . .

Bob Basques Bob.Basques at ci.stpaul.mn.us
Mon Aug 29 17:59:55 EDT 2011


No, on the missing things.  Was planned this way all along.  Just trying to tailor things to the audience is all.  Dev or end user, or both, etc.  We can figure it out there.  I've done these workshops for all sorts of end users, and then can go in many different directions even for the same product. 

I did put a note into the FTP site, as instructed, about us not needing to have anything printed by organizers.  That's why I was surprised when we were asked again recently. 

We can work with just the number of attendees. 



>>> Jeff McKenna <jmckenna at gatewaygeomatics.com> wrote:


We don't handle that, you can imagine how busy the organizers are in
these last few weeks.

Is this all related to you missing the software and printing deadline?


On 11-08-29 5:48 PM, Bob Basques wrote:
> Jeff,
> That would be fine. Is there an option for for having the organizer send
> out an email on behalf of the presenters? Or is this too far outside the
> norm.
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