[Workshops] Workshops update

Darrell Fuhriman darrell at garnix.org
Wed Mar 26 19:24:18 PDT 2014

1) Schedule Changes I moved Steve’s workshop per his request. Steve, it’s now on Tuesday afternoon instead of Tuesday morning to take advantage of classroom space. If you’d like to make changes to your scheduling, you still have a few days to let us know.

2) USB Drives for participants Prompted by another discussion, for those of you doing BYOD workshops, the committee agrees that we should provide flash drives for people to boot from. Without even trying hard, we found 8GB USB 3.0 name brand flash drives for $8. We can probably do even better. It’s a small investment for a huge help.

If you’d like flash drives for your BYOD workshop, please let us know and we’ll arrange details as we get closer to the date.

We can provide help getting images on to the flash drives, or you we can send the flash drives to you and you can do them.

3) Workshops on the Website If you’d like to see (and comment on) the very much work-in-progress workshop descriptions see: https://2014.foss4g.org/schedule/workshops/

This is read directly out of the submission you made, so if you want to make changes in the wording, title, etc, it will show up immediately. I’ve made a couple tweaks to titles already.

4) Registration We’re on track to open registration on April 1st. Last night, we set pricing at $100/half-day for early birds, and $150 thereafter.

5) Brag! Let everyone know you’re presenting. You’re great, you deserve a badge. https://2014.foss4g.org/about/spread-the-word/

I think that’s it for this update.

Thanks, everyone, for everything you’re doing to make FOSS4G a success.


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