[OSGeo-Conf] Re: OSGeo Conference RFP 2007

Jeff McKenna jmckenna at dmsolutions.ca
Tue Oct 10 16:49:04 EDT 2006

Ok, with no responses I'll assume the plan is ok with everyone.


Jeff McKenna wrote:
> Hello everyone,
> First, again thanks to Claude, Luc, and the entire local organizing 
> committee for an amazing conference.  The bar is set even higher now.
> Ok, on to the next conference - I think I am finally caught up on this 
> and the naming thread.
> I'm glad to see so much interest in these threads - wow.  I'll save my 
> own opinions for sometime later, but first here are some immediate tasks 
> for everyone involved/interested:
> 1. RFP Completion
> =================
> I may cause some trouble/anguish by saying so, but I really think the 
> RFP must contain more structure/details.  As painful as it may be, we 
> need to include as much information from past conferences as we can. 
> This could be done next week (everyone will have to help here, but I'll 
> contact the past organizers and see what we can get - 
> financial/attendance is key).
> I propose that the RFP be ready to send out by the end of next Friday 
> (the 13th!), and once approved by the OSGeo board, be sent out to the 
> public.
> To be included in the RFP is the due date.  The question is how long do 
> people need to look into venues, etc. - for example, a month from RFP 
> posting?  I think having it any less is unfair to those not already 
> thinking of hosting.  So I propose that the RFP closing date be November 
> 17th, and the decision to be announced no later than December 1st.
> Please comment on those dates.
> 2. Selection Committee
> ======================
> I would hope that all of the active members of the existing 
> International Steering Committee be interested in being a member of this 
> committee, as well as other individuals (all are welcome!).  Please if 
> you are interested, add your name to the main conference Wiki page 
> (http://wiki.osgeo.org/index.php/Conference_Committee).
> 3. Naming of the Conference
> ===========================
> I've put this as the third task, because right now there are other 
> priorities here (getting a solid RFP out the door is more important I 
> think).  Helena's idea of a vote on this list with the suggested names 
> sounds like the best way to decide - I'll compile them and send out a 
> poll to this list.
> 4. Establish Reliable Infrastructure for Sharing Conference Information
> =======================================================================
> To me this could easily be one of the most important tasks.  We need a 
> solid "content management system" for keeping track of all sorts of 
> conference documents.
> We have seen the benefits of this year's Indico system (it helped in 
> program/workshop planning, publishing, etc.).  In the 2004 "OSGIS" 
> conference the committee relied heavily on a similar system, but 6 
> months later I learned that the service provider deleted our community 
> and all of the documents (wow).
> I'm not sure if OSGeo's future Drupal system can be customized to handle 
> these kind of demands, but this conference committee will have to find 
> something.
> 5. Role of the OSGeo Conference Committee
> =========================================
> I think the International Steering Committee has been very helpful to 
> the local organizing committees for the past few conferences (track 
> planning, keynote decisions, announcements, etc.).  It has been 
> suggested that this committee stay very involved in the next 
> conferences.  In fact, I think that this should be added as a 
> requirement to the RFP" "Allow for the input of the OSGeo Conference 
> Committee in conference decision making".
> *****************************
> I hope those points are a good start at this.
> jeff

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