[OSGeo-Conf] [Fwd: [Australia] FOSS4G Expression of Interest - Sydney, Australia]

Tim Bowden tim.bowden at westnet.com.au
Fri Jul 20 05:48:16 EDT 2007

Looks like Australia-New Zealand's bid suffered a similar fate, as the
sender wasn't subscribed, so here it is.  For all those caught by
surprise at the Aust-NZ bid, relax, it's actually designed to flag our
intention to bid for 2009, /not/ 2008.  We felt we wouldn't be ready to
host the best possible conf for 2008 and weren't prepared to go with a
second best bid.

Tim Bowden

-------- Forwarded Message --------
From: Josh Roberts <JRoberts at scvb.com.au>
To: conference_dev at lists.osgeo.org
Cc: australia at lists.osgeo.org
Subject: [Australia] FOSS4G Expression of Interest - Sydney, Australia
Date: Fri, 20 Jul 2007 19:17:07 +1000

Dear Mr. McKenna,
Greetings from "Down Under".
Please follow this link to an expression of interest to host the FOSS4G
Let me introduce myself and the Sydney Convention and Visitors Bureau
(SCVB). I am the Business Development Director of the official bidding
organisation for conventions for Sydney and New South Wales.
The SCVB is a not for profit joint venture between the NSW Government
and the Tourism Sector and I am delighted to endorse Sydney’s expression
of interest to host the Free and Open Source Software for Geospatial
Conference in 2009. 
Time and resources are a major investment any organisation has to make
in order to have a successful event and you can rely on the support of
the SCVB at every step of the way. From conference venue selection,
tendering for a professional conference organiser to liaising with the
Department of Immigration to ensure that visa procurement is smooth and
efficient for all delegates, your conference is in safe hands.
By choosing Sydney, you guarantee to give your delegates a conference
experience with memories to last a lifetime.
You have the full support of the SCVB and its partners and we look
forward to working with you towards a completely successful conference
in Sydney in 2009.
Yours sincerely,

Josh Roberts
Business Development Director

Sydney Convention and Visitors
Level 13  80 William St Sydney NSW
2011 Australia
Tel: 61 2 9332 5216 Fax: 61 2 9360
jroberts at scvb.com.au 



 The SCVB (ABN 42 002 630 364) understands that privacy is an important
     issue for individuals. Click here for our full privacy policy.

To plan your
next event in
Sydney and NSW

Australia mailing list
Australia at lists.osgeo.org

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