[OSGeo-Conf] Committee Membership

Jeff McKenna jmckenna at gatewaygeomatics.com
Tue Nov 25 12:02:22 EST 2008

Fellow conference committee members,

I feel it is time to give some new life to the committee, so I am 
proposing several changes.

Motion 1: Motion to remove several inactive members:

     * Allan Doyle
     * Alain Grignon
     * Luc Maurer
     * Daniel Rappo

As chair I mean nothing personal by this, I just want to make sure that 
we have people on the committee that have interest and are actively 
contributing to discussions.  I thank all of these individuals for their 
input throughout the past years.

Motion 2: Motion to add Dave Patton and Gavin Fleming to the committee:

     * Dave Patton was an integral part of the success of FOSS4G2007 and
       is already contributing to conference_dev discussions

     * Gavin Fleming was the passion behind the recent success of
       FOSS4G2008, and can bring added international flavor to the
       conference committee

Conference committee members can respond to these motions by email 
(according to the OSGeo committee guidelines[1]).


[1] http://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/Committee_Guidelines

Jeff McKenna
OSGeo Chair of Conferences

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