[OSGeo-Conf] facilitating FOSS4G continuity

Jeroen Ticheler Jeroen.Ticheler at geocat.net
Sat Feb 28 16:16:10 EST 2009

Yes, I fully support that! Lorenzo, we can also try to share an  
apartment again like in Victoria.

On Feb 28, 2009, at 6:31 PM, Paul Ramsey wrote:

> We sent Tim Bowden to 2008 to present on 2009 (I think we covered air,
> he covered everything else). I'm pretty sure Gavin comp'ed him
> admission. I'm sure Cameron can be prevailed upon to comp one 2010
> rep.
> P
> On Sat, Feb 28, 2009 at 4:56 AM, Lorenzo Becchi <lorenzo at ominiverdi.com 
> > wrote:
>> I've been chatting with Cameron, asking if there were some  
>> facilities to let
>> a person of Barcelona 2010 team to enter the conference in Sidney  
>> (ex: one
>> free entrance pass).
>> He honestly admitted that this kind of things are out of budget and  
>> I can't
>> blame him because I have my budget in front and it would be  
>> complicated to
>> me too to do the same without a previous plan.
>> Talking with Tyler we talked about the possibility to put in the RFP
>> something about facilities for the next conference (this could not  
>> apply to
>> Sidney or Barcelona as bids are already closed).
>> The idea is that FOSS4G should support its continuity and brand in  
>> some way.
>> It will be not easy to me to afford expenses to go to Sidney, I'm not
>> representing a company that is trying to sell something or working  
>> for an
>> institution that has some kind of budget for conferences.
>> Anyway I'm supposed to present FOSS4G2010 at Sidney.
>> Am I wrong?
>> does my presence in Sidney worth?
>> ciao
>> lorenzo
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