[OSGeo-Conf] Re:FOSS4G Conference Presentations and an academictrack

Cameron Shorter cameron.shorter at lisasoft.com
Thu May 21 21:14:58 EDT 2009

Thank you for your offer Thierry.

Paul is right, as yet we don't have someone working on an academic 
track, and would need a dedicated volunteer or group of volunteers to 
organise it, and advise the committee with regards to what needs to be 

I'd be delighted if you would be able to coordinate this.
I suggest you start by creating a wiki page linked from 
http://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/FOSS4G_2009 where you collate details your 
plans. You may also wish to add a sentence to our next press release, 
due out on Monday.

Thierry Badard wrote:
> Paul Ramsey a écrit :
>> More than anything else, the Sydney team needs someone with an
>> academic background to step up and take on the academic track:
>> - organizing the peer review panel
>> - selecting the publication mechanism
>> - selecting the papers for the academic track
>> In 2007 Tyler and members of the education committee did that for me,
>> which was invaluable. In 2008, a member of the LOC was sufficiently
>> academic to do it. For 2009, a volunteer from the academic community
>> is needed. Us ordinary folk don't understand what makes a good process
>> for this stuff, we need someone who does. Could that person be you,
>> Jorge?
>> P
> Hi all,
> If Jorge is interested in, I could take it in charge with him. I have 
> already been involved in lot of program or scientific committees and I 
> have also organised different scientific tracks, workshops or events. In 
> addition, as a co-chair of ICA WG on open source geospatial technologies 
>   (see http://ica-opensource.scg.ulaval.ca), I will be very happy to 
> engage a first effective collaboration between ICA and OSGeo around an 
> academic/scientific track with publication of selected papers as an 
> edited book.
> Cheers,
> Th.

Cameron Shorter
Geospatial Systems Architect
Tel: +61 (0)2 8570 5050
Mob: +61 (0)419 142 254

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