[OSGeo-Conf] Re:FOSS4G Conference Presentations and an academictrack

Jorge Gustavo Rocha jgr at di.uminho.pt
Mon May 25 11:21:43 EDT 2009

Hi Simon,

1) We should put together the academic presentations. It's more easy for
attendees to decide in advance where they wanna go.

2) We should accept only good papers, even if they are only a few. It's
a investment in quality, that will help us to raise the EIC (Estimated
Impact of Conference). But I would say that we could accept about 12 to
15 papers, maximum. 

3) It's no my business, but I might suggest just 20 min. to each
academic presentation, instead of the 30 min. scheduled. Authors should
really focus on what is really important, instead of telling all the
story from the beginning till the end. 

4) Joining items 2) and 3), tell us how many papers we should accept, to
keep the schedule consistent, in your opinion. If you work on the
google's schedule spreadsheet, we would see immediately your

5) We should update FOSS4G website to reflect today's announcement.
Please feel free to request more information to update the website. We
can help you with the contents.



Seg, 2009-05-25 às 20:46 +1000, mapbutcher escreveu:
> Jorge,
> With regard to the allocation of presentation slots in the
> schedule. Would you like the presentations to be ran consecutively in
> a single room where possible?
> Cheers
> Simon
> 2009/5/22 Jorge Gustavo Rocha <jgr at di.uminho.pt>
>         Hi all,
>         Thanks Paul. I'm interested to go forward [at full speed,
>         since we don't
>         have much time]. More people is necessary, so Thierry's offer
>         is very
>         welcome.
>         I think the next steps should be:
>         0) Write down the call for [scientific/research] papers, for
>         the
>         academic track (we can start with last year call)
>         1) Update FOSS4G 2009 web site, to announce the peer reviewed
>         academic
>         track, pointing to call for papers
>                - Deadline for this track should be around July 31th;
>                - Specific submission guidelines should be added to
>         this track
>                - The conference scheduled should be updated to have 3
>         or 4 sessions
>         with academic presentations (taking about 12 to 16 slots of
>         the 94
>         available ones)
>         1.1) Cameron could prepare a press release to announce the
>         call, and to
>         get it posted to every mailing list
>         2) Create a representative scientific committee (this can
>         start right
>         now; some other members can be added later), by:
>                - Inviting the members that previously act as
>         scientific
>         committee/reviewers
>                - Inviting people from the Spanish chapter, that can do
>         this job next
>         year (maybe Lluís Vicens, from SITGA, Miguel R. Luaces, from
>         Coruña
>         Univ., Victor Olaya, from Extremadura Univ.)
>                - Inviting Charlie Schweik, and someone else from the
>         OSGeo-Edu
>                - Inviting people from Australia
>                - Inviting other known OSGeo chapter members, related
>         to academic
>         duties and research
>                - Have some places for volunteers
>         With 20 members on the scientific committee, if each can read
>         10 papers,
>         we can have 200 readings. So, if each paper is read by 3
>         reviewers, we
>         can receive 60-70 papers for reviewing.
>         3) Making all possible contacts with reputed journals/books,
>         to start a
>         reference publication related to OSGeo/FOSS4G. Thierry
>         suggestion make
>         sense; we can work with other institutions like ICA and alike
>         to have
>         the best possible printed publication, if we don't have enough
>         high
>         quality papers to create our own volume.
>         4) Install and configure an open source platform to handle the
>         blind
>         reviewing process (that's easy; OpenConf can be used for the
>         job). The
>         reviewing process will take place in August.
>         Right now, we need some feedback from Cameron and others to
>         know the
>         impact of this academic track in the current schedule. Is the
>         July 31th
>         deadline ok? 12 to 16 papers is reasonable?
>         Regards,
>         Jorge
>         --
>         jorge gustavo rocha
>         departamento de informática
>         universidade do minho
>         4710-057 braga
>         portugal
>         N 41º33'44,5" W 8º23'40,5"
>         tel +351 253604470 fax +351 253604471 cel +351 927210173
>         Qui, 2009-05-21 às 15:09 -0400, Thierry Badard escreveu:
>         > Paul Ramsey a écrit :
>         > > More than anything else, the Sydney team needs someone
>         with an
>         > > academic background to step up and take on the academic
>         track:
>         > >
>         > > - organizing the peer review panel
>         > > - selecting the publication mechanism
>         > > - selecting the papers for the academic track
>         > >
>         > > In 2007 Tyler and members of the education committee did
>         that for me,
>         > > which was invaluable. In 2008, a member of the LOC was
>         sufficiently
>         > > academic to do it. For 2009, a volunteer from the academic
>         community
>         > > is needed. Us ordinary folk don't understand what makes a
>         good process
>         > > for this stuff, we need someone who does. Could that
>         person be you,
>         > > Jorge?
>         > >
>         > > P
>         >
>         > Hi all,
>         >
>         > If Jorge is interested in, I could take it in charge with
>         him. I have
>         > already been involved in lot of program or scientific
>         committees and I
>         > have also organised different scientific tracks, workshops
>         or events. In
>         > addition, as a co-chair of ICA WG on open source geospatial
>         technologies
>         >   (see http://ica-opensource.scg.ulaval.ca), I will be very
>         happy to
>         > engage a first effective collaboration between ICA and OSGeo
>         around an
>         > academic/scientific track with publication of selected
>         papers as an
>         > edited book.
>         >
>         > Cheers,
>         >
>         > Th.
>         >
>         _______________________________________________
>         Conference_dev mailing list
>         Conference_dev at lists.osgeo.org
>         http://lists.osgeo.org/mailman/listinfo/conference_dev
jorge gustavo rocha
departamento de informática
universidade do minho
4710-057 braga
N 41º33'44,5" W 8º23'40,5"
tel +351 253604470 fax +351 253604471 cel +351 927210173

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