[OSGeo-Conf] FOSS4G 2011 Sharing of Conference Materials, Dates

Eric Wolf ebwolf at gmail.com
Wed May 5 16:44:36 EDT 2010

Cameron, et al,

The Denver LOC just had a conference call to discuss your question about
sharing conference material. This will be discussed in greater detail in our
full proposal, but I wanted to let you know that GITA is more than happy to
share all materials in source format. There are two caveats:

1. GITA does use some proprietary software (like DreamWeaver), so the source
format may not necessary be "open".

2. GITA may market FOSS4G 2011 to their member lists. They will share all
responses to such marketing with OSGeo but cannot share the source member

As for the dates, the AGU Fall Meeting and AutoDesk University are
back-to-back immediately following US Thanksgiving in 2011. We are pretty
much abandoning the idea of a December conference. We are looking at dates
in September or the first week of October. Please update the Wiki page with
any events that might conflict:


For the Denver LOC,

Eric Wolf

Eric B. Wolf                    New! 720-334-7734
USGS Geographer
Center of Excellence in GIScience
PhD Student
CU-Boulder - Geography

GPG Public Key: http://www.h4h.net/ebwolf.public.key.txt
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