[OSGeo-Conf] FOSS4G2012: Next Steps

Cameron Shorter cameron.shorter at gmail.com
Mon Jul 11 16:16:02 EDT 2011

For me, I think that a conference's success is largely influenced by how 
well the local community can attract people from the local community. 
(The international community is important, but will likely come no 
matter what).

So can you please answer:

1. What is your ability to attract local and regional delegates. What 
connections do you have with the local geospatial communities? Are you 
in a position to help encourage participation from local communities?

2. What is your ability to attract local sponsorship? Sponsorship covers 
a large proportion of the costs of the conference. How are you planning 
to attract local sponsors? Do you have anyone in a position to influence 
attraction of sponsors?

3. Do you have dynamic, decisive, committed people on your committee? 
This one might be a bit hard to answer. To be successful, you will need 
to make lots of decisions. Some will have straight forward answers. Most 
won't. You will need to be decisive and you will need to spend a large 
amount of time selflessly thinking about the conference. Doing things, 
and encouraging others to do things. I think I was spending ~ 10 to 15 
hours / week on the conference in the first 12 to 6 months out, then 15 
to 20 hours / week in the 6 months before the conference.

Cameron Shorter
Geospatial Director
Tel: +61 (0)2 8570 5050
Mob: +61 (0)419 142 254

Think Globally, Fix Locally
Geospatial Solutions enhanced with Open Standards and Open Source

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