[OSGeo-Conf] About funding of FOSS4G

Pekka Sarkola pekka at gispo.fi
Mon Mar 26 08:45:04 EDT 2012

Hi folks,


I have studied carefully FOSS4G conference RFP documentation, but I just
need some clarifications:

.         In page 6: OSGeo will take on financial responsibility. This very
good deal. However, this "bridge funding" needs some clarification. I
understand that this means that OSGeo will fund local organization committee
expenses from September 2012 until LOC will get some money from participants
/ sponsors etc. Right?

.         Will OSGeo took all revenue or could it be that some part of
"possible" revenue will stay in the country? Like to establish Local

.         Will OSGeo and LOC make legal agreement about conference? 







Pekka Sarkola

pekka.sarkola at gispo.fi

Gispo Oy

GSM +358 40 725 2042



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