[OSGeo-Conf] About funding of FOSS4G

Pekka Sarkola pekka at gispo.fi
Tue Mar 27 06:44:36 EDT 2012


Thank you, your responses were helpful.



---- Pekka Sarkola – pekka.sarkola at gispo.fi – www.gispo.fi ----

-----Original Message-----
From: fwarmerdam at gmail.com [mailto:fwarmerdam at gmail.com] On Behalf Of Frank
Sent: 27. maaliskuuta 2012 9:03
To: pekka.sarkola at gispo.fi
Cc: conference_dev at lists.osgeo.org
Subject: Re: [OSGeo-Conf] About funding of FOSS4G

On Mon, Mar 26, 2012 at 5:45 AM, Pekka Sarkola <pekka at gispo.fi> wrote:
> Hi folks,
> I have studied carefully FOSS4G conference RFP documentation, but I 
> just need some clarifications:


I'll add my unofficial answers - hopefully helpful.

> ·         In page 6: OSGeo will take on financial responsibility. This 
> very good deal. However, this “bridge funding” needs some 
> clarification. I understand that this means that OSGeo will fund local 
> organization committee expenses from September 2012 until LOC will get 
> some money from participants / sponsors etc. Right?

Once the location is selected, the LOC is expected to prepare a budget.
Once *that* has been approved by the OSGeo board it becomes possible for
OSGeo to advance seed funding to the LOC to cover deposits and early
expenses (within some constraints).

> ·         Will OSGeo took all revenue or could it be that some part of 
> “possible” revenue will stay in the country? Like to establish Local 
> Chapter?

By default all profits would revert to OSGeo.   There is room to consider
other arrangements, and it would be best to note this in the proposal in at
least general terms.

> ·         Will OSGeo and LOC make legal agreement about conference?

In some cases the LOC has no official existance (ie. as a corporation) in
which case an OSGeo officer signs legal agreements with the company
assisting in operating the conference, and possible with the
venue.    In other cases there is a local organization that takes care
of this, and OSGeo either signs a legal agreement with them or at least
establishes a written understanding.

The goal of the advance funding, and OSGeo being willing to sign legal
agreements with the conference organizer and/or venue is to avoid the
situation where a local individual or friendly company ends up having to
take on substantial financial risk to host the conference.

Best regards,
I set the clouds in motion - turn up   | Frank Warmerdam,
warmerdam at pobox.com light and sound - activate the windows |
http://pobox.com/~warmerdam and watch the world go round - Rush    |
Geospatial Software Developer

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