[OSGeo-Conf] OSGeo branding at FOSS4G

Andrew Ross andrew.ross at eclipse.org
Sat Jul 6 06:27:50 PDT 2013

Cameron, All

Good item to discuss! There were almost no details of how this has 
worked in the past, or should work. Please note that there is a budget 
item in the Washington D.C. budget for USB sticks. This amount should 
also be considered a concrete financial benefit to OSGeo. It would make 
sense to have someone directly involved with OSGeo live participating to 
help coordinate this.

Regarding a booth for OSGeo. How should we handle that? Hypothetically, 
say LocationTech, OpenStreetMap, Ushahidi, Apache SIS, OGC, MapStory, 
Open Sunlight Foundation, Public Laboratory, and any other similar 
organizations wish to have a booth as well. What should we do? From the 
Washington D.C. LOC's perspective we want the event to be as inclusive 
as possible.


On 07/05/2013 11:06 PM, Cameron Shorter wrote:
> Portland and Washington teams,
> A concern was raised at the June OSGeo Board meeting [1] about the 
> lack of OSGeo branding at the FOSS4G-NA event, especially in 
> comparison with other brands visible at the event. (I think there was 
> a public email thread discussing this, but I can't find it).
> I have also heard a few private concerns (in relation to OSGeo-Live 
> not being visible at FOSS4G-NA, while it plays a prominent role in 
> FOSS4G events in other parts of the world).
> To address these concerns, I invite both Portland and Washington teams 
> to make a brief statement about OSGeo branding at FOSS4G 2014.  Eg: 
> Will there be an OSGeo booth? Do you expect that the OSGeo-Live USB 
> (or DVD) will be handed out to all delegates as has been done at prior 
> events?
> [1] http://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/Board_Meeting_2013-06-13

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