[OSGeo-Conf] more questions?

Andrew Ross andrew.ross at eclipse.org
Mon Jul 8 07:14:04 PDT 2013

Hi Bart,

The web site for D.C. will be based on the EclipseCon code base. This 
same code base is used for EclipseCon, EclipseCon Europe, and EclipseCon 
France. This may be helpful to reduce work for future events. It is 
based on Drupal COD.

Kind regards,


On 08/07/13 09:34, Bart van den Eijnden wrote:
> Not sure if people outside of the conf committee are allowed to ask 
> questions on the bid, but taking my chance here.
> Is there anything in place in the Portland / DC proposals that 
> provides us with a base to not re-invent the wheel every year wrt the 
> conference registration / conference program system?
> Best regards,
> Bart
> -- 
> Bart van den Eijnden
> OSGIS - http://osgis.nl
> On Jul 8, 2013, at 3:06 AM, David Percy <percyd at pdx.edu 
> <mailto:percyd at pdx.edu>> wrote:
>> Hi CC (and others),
>> Portland is still waiting to answer any more questions about why
>> FOSS4G 2014 would be so awesome here!
>> :-)
>> I think we have about 24 hours of Q/A left...
>> Cheers,
>> Percy
>> -- 
>> David Percy ("Percy")
>> -Geospatial Data Manager
>> -Web Map Wrangler
>> -GIS Instructor
>> Portland State University
>> -gisgeek.pdx.edu <http://gisgeek.pdx.edu>
>> -geology.pdx.edu <http://geology.pdx.edu>
>> -portlandpulse.org <http://portlandpulse.org>

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