[OSGeo-Conf] FOSS4G 2014 LOI Question & Answer Phase

Cameron Shorter cameron.shorter at gmail.com
Fri May 17 04:41:27 PDT 2013

Thanks to all cities for your Letters of Intent.

A few comments:

San Paolo:
* Thank you for your submission. While this is not your region this 
year, I'm hopeful that you will consider submitting again next year - we 
have not seen Latin America host the global FOSS4G yet, and it will be 
good to see submissions coming in from the region.

* FOSS4G events (both global and regional) can be improved substantially 
by tapping into the knowledge of prior events. As such, I think it 
important to select events and committees which are not only successful, 
but which also collect information and processes which can be used by 
future events. How do you propose to contribute to the success of future 
foss4g events?

You mention that no financial backing is required. Can you please expand 
on this. Usually someone is required to provide guarantees for such 
things as venues. How will that be addressed?
If the conference is to make a profit, how do you propose the profit be 

On 13/05/13 13:48, Paul Ramsey wrote:
> Conference committee,
> We have received three Letters of Intent (LOI) from local committees
> interested in hosting FOSS4G 2014
> http://svn.osgeo.org/osgeo/foss4g/proposals/2014/
>   * Portland, OR
>   * Sao Paolo, Brazil
>   * Washington, DC
> With regard to the LOI from Brazil: the RFP is clear that 2014 is a
> "North America" year and proposals from other regions will only be
> accepted if no credible North American proposals are received.
> Therefore, while I will keep the Sao Paolo LOI on file in the
> repository, it should not be considered for contention unless the LOI
> voting indicates that a majority of committee members do not consider
> the North American bids viable.
> The question and answer phase now begins, and runs until May 17.
> Committee members, please review the LOIs from all parties and direct
> questions to some or all of the proponents at your earliest
> convenience.
> Eddie Pickle (Washington), Darrell Fuhriman (Portland), or your
> designates, please monitor the list and answer questions with
> alacrity.
> Yours,
> Paul Ramsey
> 2014 RFP Coordinator
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Cameron Shorter
Geospatial Solutions Manager
Tel: +61 (0)2 8570 5050
Mob: +61 (0)419 142 254

Think Globally, Fix Locally
Geospatial Solutions enhanced with Open Standards and Open Source

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