[OSGeo-Conf] Stepping Down from Committee

Dave McIlhagga dmcilhagga at mapsherpa.com
Fri Aug 26 06:03:19 PDT 2016

Dear Conference Committee,

I see that you’ve had what appears to be a very productive meeting in Bonn — well done to all of you, I’m sure it has been very useful to have an in person meeting for this.

Given that this is a time of refresh for the committee, and the fact I’ve had less and less availability to participate, I’ve decided this is the time for me to step down from the committee to make way for others who are more able to contribute.

It’s been a pleasure working with all of you - I wish all of you much success in the years ahead. And of course, I look forward to seeing you all at a future event!

All the best,


Dave McIlhagga

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