[OSGeo-Conf] [Board] Application for funding QGIS Codesprint/Developers meeting - QGIS HackFest, Girona

Steven Feldman shfeldman at gmail.com
Thu Mar 17 09:58:08 PDT 2016


Thanks for the answers. 

The codesprint policy could be adapted to support funding for other OSGeo events. We will need to have a way of prioritising competing requests for funds. Maxi makes a good point that it shouldn’t be first come first served and the last starves so I hope we can publicise

It looks as if your outreach budget line will be pretty fully utilised with live dvds, usb’s, awards etc. If this event comes out of your events budget there would still be room for several others so I guess that answers that question. 

If the process is clear and simple, maybe the Conference Committee could take on the process of administering events funding/sponsorship. It would seem to be the best equipped to do this as the CC should have an overview of other events to avoid overlap and experience of both large and small events. I have copied in the CC list so that others can express an opinion or an objection.



> On 17 Mar 2016, at 16:37, Jody Garnett <jody.garnett at gmail.com> wrote:
> Can I suggest a pause to consider:
> Is there a policy on sponsorship of events, hackfests or codesprints? If not shouldn’t there be?
> https://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/Code_Sprint_Guidelines <https://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/Code_Sprint_Guidelines> (see "Submission of a funding request").
> There is a policy on osgeo supporting codesprints. The policy is expressed in terms of OSGeo sharing the financial risk of the code sprint (not the same thing as sponsorship). Sometimes that works out as "cheaper" (if sponsorship comes through) and some times as more expensive. This is why we ask  for a budget as part of the procedure.
> In this case the request has come in, following the procedure. As part of reviewing the request I noticed that the code sprint is part of a larger event (which looks amazing, and also a bit shy of sponsorship). 
> Rather than approve the funding request outright I am trying to ask if we can share the financial risk in some fashion.
> What is the process for other events to seek sponsorship?
> Code sprints have the above policy, foss4g events are the subjet of a bidding process (and an entire committee).
> Often local chapters put on events, some due so as their own not-for-profit, but often it is just individuals or organizations taking on the risk.
> Is there a budget amount for event sponsorship?
> There is an operational budget: https://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/Board_of_Directors#Operational_Budget_for_2016 <https://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/Board_of_Directors#Operational_Budget_for_2016> 
> This activity touches on two operational budgets: outreach and events
> Since code sprints often turn a profit (thanks sponsors) they rarely actually require funds, often OSGeo can provide initial financial backing to book facilities, be in position to accept sponsorship. We occasionally make things more complicated by sharing any profits from an event, I have not always kept track of how that works.
> Should this be determined at board level or delegated to a lower level?
> Thank you for your concern, I also think the board is taking on too much. In the past codesprint requests have been infrequent and not a bother for the board - there seems to be more happening this year which is nice.
> The conference committee is focused on foss4g, the marketing committee is not very active, perhaps a new subcommittee could be formed if you are interested.

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