[OSGeo-Conf] Voting & commitment

Venkatesh Raghavan venka.osgeo at gmail.com
Thu Sep 29 17:05:53 PDT 2016

Dear All,

Sorry if this mail sounds a little mixed-up as
I am trying to answer multiple points raised
after the voting status on the amended motion
was declared.

The way I look at the 25% quorum threshold, suggested by Eli,
is that it is close to the "benevolent dictatorship"
decision model. One of our projects in incubation
was asked to retire since the lead developer proposed
to adopt such a model for the project PSC.

Our Charter Member rules allow for retiring
members who have not voted over a continuous period
of two years. Since charter members vote only for
the board election, this means that they are retired
if they do not cast their one vote (for Board election)
in consecutive years.

Considering the above, I suggest that the Amended Motion
for quorum be tabled for one last time with a specific
indication that members who have not voted for
the motion in two (or three) consecutive rounds of voting
will be considered as retired and the votes by the
members who participate in the third round of voting
would be considered valid.

If we still have only 7 members voting for the third round
of voting, the majority votes among the 7 could be
used if the motion has passed or not.

Regarding the query from Steve whether some of us would
like reconsider our votes in the initial round of voting,
I think, that since the voting results were already
declared, it would be better to decide with the third
and final round of voting.



On 9/30/2016 8:16 AM, massimiliano cannata wrote:
> I also as non members would say that if 9 Committee members don't feel to
> have to vote then they should be removwd. I like more a Committee of 3
> Active people rather then 100 passive coming out Just when the want. To me
> a committente is a committente being payd or volountary based. Can you
> immagine volountary Red cross people deciding not to wake up to wake a
> surgery?
> My 1 franc
> Maxi
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