[OSGeo-Conf] final day: proposals for FOSS4G2019

María Arias de Reyna delawen at gmail.com
Mon Dec 4 02:18:19 PST 2017


I have a question: we can send some sensitive data to the conference
committee chair directly instead of the mailing list. But the chair defined
in http://www.osgeo.org/content/foundation/board_and_officers.html is also
not anymore on the committee. Who should I send the email then? It looks
like TIll has been managing this, but I am not sure he is the right person
for this.

On Mon, Dec 4, 2017 at 10:38 AM, Vasile Craciunescu <vasile at geo-spatial.org>

> Dear Till,
> Thank you for the reminder! BLOC proposal will be sent in due time.
> Best,
> Vasile
> On 12/4/17 9:51 AM, Till Adams wrote:
>> Dear BLOC/SLOC & @ConfComm!
>> I am sure, that you have the date in mind, so this is just a general
>> reminder for you and for the members of OSGeo's conference committee:
>> With today, the day to hand in your final proposals for FOSS4G 2019 has
>> come. See [1] for our time schedule.
>> For the voting members of OSgeo's conference committee, I have the
>> request to be prepared, please review the proposals carefully and use
>> the timeframe between 5th-15th of December to ask your questions.
>> !!!Also be preprared, that the voting period will be from 15th to 18th
>> of December!!! We need your votes!!! I will send out a seperate mail in
>> time to remind and to explain the procedure once again.
>> Again for BLOC & SLOC, be prepared to answer the questions in time via
>> this mailing list. I will sum up all questions and answers in the WIKI.
>> It's up to you, whether you want to answer question by question or wait
>> some days and then reply to all in one or two emails.
>> Regards, Till
>> [1] https://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/FOSS4G_2019_Bid_Process
> --
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
> Vasile Crăciunescu
> geo-spatial.org: An elegant place for sharing geoKnowledge & geoData
> http://www.geo-spatial.org
> http://tech.groups.yahoo.com/group/geo-spatial
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